Loni Anderson vs. Dolly Parton - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2014年7月12日 · It’s difficult because they’ve both always been essentially drag show imitations of themselves, but here’s young Dolly Parton vs. young Loni Anderson. But here’s young Bailey Quarters! Biggirl July 12, 2014, 2:43am
2025 [THEMED] Celebrity Death Pool - Straight Dope
2024年12月3日 · NOTE: As we started in 2019, Themed Death Pool Lists will be posted and tracked in a separate thread. If you are looking for the 2024 Celebrity Death Pool thread, click here phungi (aka: the Death Shroom) checking in as your 20245Death Pool chaperone. In case anyone is new to this game, the rules are outlined below. There are a few new rules so read carefully. The Rules: You pick 13 ...
Why did Burt Reynolds' career founder after Boogie Nights?
2011年6月10日 · Granted his career was already in the pits when he did Boogie Nights, but that was supposed to be his big comeback. He got an Oscar nomination, attracted some interest from the Hollywood establishment. So what the hell happened? How did he wind up in a bunch of made-for-cable movies, Miller Lite commercials and one-off TV guest spots?
2024 [THEMED] Celebrity Death Pool - Straight Dope
2023年12月4日 · NOTE: As we started in 2019, Themed Death Pool Lists will be posted and tracked in a separate thread. If you are looking for the 2023 Celebrity Death Pool thread, click here phungi (aka: the Death Shroom) checking in as your 2024 Death Pool chaperone. In case anyone is new to this game, the rules are outlined below. There are a few new rules so read carefully. The Rules: You pick 13 ...
Hot characters who don't know they're hot - Straight Dope
2008年5月6日 · Bailey Quarters from WKRP in Cincinnati. She was INCREDIBLY hot, but everyone just had eyes for plastic blonde Loni Anderson. And to match 7 of 9, T’Pol. “Yes, understand that I rate 9.5 on your human scale of hotness, but it …
Movies with overlapping casts - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2025年2月20日 · I was watching the new Bridget Jones movie yesterday, starring Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, and Chiwetel Ejiofor…and realized: "Hey! All those guys were in Love, Actually" I thought there might also be a connection with Sense and Sensibility, and I was close: Thompson, Grant and Alan Rickman – all in Love, Actually. (This seems particularly coincidental because these 3 films do ...
Pretentious rock lyrics - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2024年10月31日 · Everyone defines “pretentious” slightly differently, so let me give my definition. Rock’n’roll lyrics are generally written by musicians who are primarily interested in the chords, melodies and harmonies and are indifferent to the quality of lyrics. Some even consider writing lyrics a necessary evil, a burden imposed on the song’s composers, and often they must engage a co-writer to ...
"Colder than a witch's tit" etymology - Straight Dope
2005年3月29日 · With all due respect, it’s clear your answer to the origin of this phrase is wrong. The report is correct as far as it goes – they did search a witch’s body for moles or other marks to indicate they were suckling their familiars. However, your answer doesn’t actually address the origin of the phrase of all. Indeed, you use the word “presumably” to …
Remembrance Day - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must …
2024年11月11日 · Watching the Remembrance Day ceremonies on CBC. The veterans just marched past.
Pretentious rock lyrics - Page 2 - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2024年10月31日 · I got a clue as to the depth of his lyrics when I watched a clip of a Yes concert, and between songs Mr. Jon Anderson, Writer of Deep Prog Poetry, said: “I have something important to say, based on the unique opportunities we’ve had to speak to people all around the world. And that is: (dramatic pause) … Love is the most powerful force of ...