Lonsdaleite - Wikipedia
Lonsdaleite (named in honour of Kathleen Lonsdale), also called hexagonal diamond in reference to the crystal structure, is an allotrope of carbon with a hexagonal lattice, as opposed to the cubical lattice of conventional diamond.
藍絲黛爾石 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
藍絲黛爾石(英語: Lonsdaleite )也譯做郎士德碳,又因晶體結構及特性稱作六方金剛石(英語: hexagonal diamond )、六方碳。 藍絲黛爾石是一種 六方晶系 的 金剛石 ,屬於 碳同素異形體 的一種構形,咸信為 流星 上的 石墨 在墜入 地球 時所形成。
藍絲黛爾石 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
藍絲黛爾石 (英語: Lonsdaleite)也译做 郎士德碳,又因晶體結構及特性稱作 六方金剛石 (英語: hexagonal diamond)、 六方碳。 藍絲黛爾石是一種 六方晶系 的 金剛石,屬於 碳同素異形體 的一種構形,咸信為 流星 上的 石墨 在墜入 地球 時所形成。 撞擊時的巨大壓力及熱量改變石墨構形形成金剛石,卻又保留了石墨的平行 六邊形 晶格,並構成了立方的六方 晶格。 第一次鑑別出藍絲黛爾石是1967年在 美國 亞利桑那州 的 巴林杰隕石坑 [4],從位在其中的「魔谷隕石」中 …
Lonsdaleite Mineral Data
Physical Properties of Lonsdaleite : Cleavage: {???} Perfect : Color: Brownish black, Light brownish yellow. Density: 3.3 - 3.52, Average = 3.41 : Diaphaneity: Translucent to Opaque : Habit: Microscopic Crystals - Crystals visible only with microscopes. Hardness: 7-8 : Luster: Adamantine : Streak: brownish yellow : Optical Properties of Lonsdaleite
Is lonsdaleite stronger than diamond – How much does lonsdaleite …
Color: Lonsdaleite is typically yellow or brown in color, which is different from the colorless appearance of regular diamond. Transparency: Like regular diamond, lonsdaleite is transparent, which means that it allows light to pass through it.
Lonsdaleite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Transparent brownish-yellow, grayish. Named in honor of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale (nee Yardley) (28 January 1903, Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland - 1 April 1971, London, England), crystallographer who established the structure of benzene by X-ray diffraction methods in 1929.
Lonsdaleite - chemeurope.com
Lonsdaleite is also known as "hexagonal diamond." It is transparent brownish-yellow in color and has an index of refraction from 2.40 to 2.41, a specific gravity from 3.2 to 3.3, and a Mohs hardness of 7–8. The Mohs hardness of diamond is 10; the lower hardness of lonsdaleite is chiefly attributed to impurities and imperfections in the ...
Very fine-grained aggregates, forming cubes and cubo-octahedra, to 0.7 mm; in polycrystalline aggregates, mixed with diamond. Optical Properties: Transparent. Color: Grayish in crystals; also pale yellowish or brown in broken fragments. Luster: Adamantine. Optical Class: [Biaxial.] n = Slightly above 2.404.
Lonsdaleite: Properties and Occurrences - Assignment Point
Lonsdaleite was first identified in 1967 from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, where it occurs as microscopic crystals associated with diamond. General Information. Category: Mineral; Crystal system: Hexagonal; Crystal class: Dihexagonal dipyramidal (6/mmm) Color: Gray in crystals, pale yellowish to brown in broken fragments. Properties
Lonsdaleite - scientificlib.com
Lonsdaleite (named in honour of Kathleen Lonsdale), also called hexagonal diamond in reference to the crystal structure, is an allotrope of carbon with a hexagonal lattice. In nature, it forms when meteorites containing graphite strike the Earth.