what is loopguard , BPDUguard , Rootguard - Cisco Community
2010年10月4日 · Solved: Hi, I am always confused about these three concepts. I just want to know the basic understanding of this three features of STP. where should i use and which mode i can configure this ?
Solved: Where to apply loop-guard - Cisco Community
2012年7月10日 · Hello community, after a layer2 loop in our LAN environment I decided to configure udld and loop-guard, but I got a bit mixed up as to where loop guard should be configured. We have 2x 65xx acting as VTP servers (layer2 connection between them). Each one is root for a number of VLANS. The udld par...
Catalyst 9000 シリーズ:「Loop Detection Guard」の機能紹介/サ …
2021年1月19日 · はじめに 本ドキュメントでは、「Loop Detection Guard」機能の紹介及びコマンドのサポートについて記載します。 *** Catalyst 9000 シリーズのスイッチ全般が対象となります。 「Loop Detection Guard」機能の紹介 「Loop Detection Guard」は STP 機能が利用されていないスイッチ、若しくは STP を認識しない管理外 ...
Spanning Tree Loop Troubleshooting and Safeguards
2010年12月3日 · After implementing root guard, loop guard, UDLD aggressive, and BPDU guard, bring the link/switch back up and see if the loop reforms. * Prior to implementing any of these features it is recommended that you Familiarize yourself with how each feature works: PortFast. Loop Guard. BPDU Guard. Root Guard. UDLD . IF THE LOOP REFORMS:
BPU Filtering, Root Guard y Loop Guard - Cisco Community
2025年1月1日 · Loop Guard protege la red al evitar que un puerto en estado bloqueado (blocking) pase a estado reenviando (forwarding) si deja de recibir BPDUs. Esto asegura que no se creen bucles accidentales en la topología. Funcionamiento: Cuando Loop Guard está habilitado en un puerto y este deja de recibir BPDUs, el puerto entra en estado Loop-Inconsistent.
Spanning Tree Protection - Cisco Community
2019年3月1日 · 4) Loop Guard operation is not affected by the Spanning Tree timers. 5) Loop Guard cannot actually detect a unidirectional link. 6) Loop Guard cannot be enabled on Port Fast or Dynamic VLAN ports . To enable Loop Guard for all point-to-point links on the switch, use the following command: Switch(config)# spanning-tree loopguard default . To ...
Switching : best practices, loop guard, root guard etc
2008年2月29日 · The loop guard feature is enabled on a per-port basis.if BPDUs are not received on the trunk port for only one particular VLAN, only that VLAN is blocked (moved to loop-inconsistent STP state).Loop guard must be enabled on the non-designated ports (more precisely, on root and alternate ports) for all possible combinations of active topologies.
生成树环路的检测与防护 - Cisco Community
2015年4月16日 · 3) 在汇聚/接入层交换机上的所有接口上配置Loop guard。 4) 在汇聚/接入层交换机上的所有接口上配置BPDU guard。 5) 在所有光纤上联口上配置UDLDaggressive,因为单向链路会导致STP环路,这时,UDLD aggressive会关闭一个单向链路。
Loop Guard - Thoughts on Best Practices, Where to Use - Cisco …
2011年11月8日 · Loop Guard is a feature intended to provide additional check to prevent STP bridging loop, in order for a port to remian on blocking STP state, it needs to continously recieves BPDU from the upstream designated port.
Solved: Loop guard enabled on etherchannel - Cisco Community
2012年6月30日 · The loop guard feature is enabled on a per-port basis. However, as long as it blocks the port on the STP level, loop guard blocks inconsistent ports on a per-VLAN basis (because of per-VLAN STP). That is, if BPDUs are not received on the trunk port for only one particular VLAN, only that VLAN is blocked (moved to loop-inconsistent STP state).