Ents | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Ents, also known as Onodrim (Tree-host) by the Elves, were a very old race of Middle-earth. They were apparently created at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aulë 's children, the Dwarves, knowing that they would want to fell trees. Becoming "shepherds" of the trees, they protected certain forests from Orcs and other perils.
Kingdom of Lorent | Anbennar Wiki | Fandom
The Kingdom of Lorent is one of the great powers of Cannor, located at Lencenor to the west of the continent. In 1444 it was Ruled by Kylian VI and the country had recently come out of the Lilac Wars as the nominal victor, and protected their throne from the Grand Duchy of Dameria.
Lorent - Anbennar Wiki
2024年10月8日 · It is a country famed for its etiquette, bountiful vineyards and romantic tales of chivalry, but also as one of the Great Powers of Cannor, competing with Gawed to the north and the Empire of Anbennar to the east for dominion over the continent of Cannor.
Ents - Tolkien Gateway
2024年10月6日 · The Ents were sentient, humanoid beings created at the request of Yavanna to protect the trees from other creatures, particularly Dwarves, [4] and thus were called "Shepherds of the Trees". [5] The Ents were the most ancient living creatures surviving in Middle-earth in …
Lorient - Wikipedia
Lorient (French: [lɔʁjɑ̃] ⓘ; Breton: An Oriant) is a town (commune) and seaport in the Morbihan department of Brittany in western France. Beginning around 3000 BC, settlements in the area of Lorient are attested by the presence of megalithic architecture.
ent - université de lorraine
ent - université de lorraine
Lord Of The Rings: What Is The Importance Of The Ents? - Game Rant
2021年8月31日 · Many Ents move their trees to the land given to them by Aragorn, Nan Curunír, and it becomes known as the Watchwood and the Treegarth of Orthanc. The Ents are mostly known, especially in the Lord...
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如何展开Laurent级数? - 知乎专栏
若 f (z) 在圆环域 R_1<\left| z-z_0 \right|<R_2 内 解析,则再次圆环域内 f (z) 能够展开成为双边无穷级数: 然而, f^ { (n)} (z_0)=\frac {n!} {2\pi i}\oint_ {L}^ {}\frac {f (\xi)} { (\xi-z_0)^ {n+1}}d\xi. L为圆环域内绕 z_0 的任何一条逆时针方向简单闭合曲线,且展开式是唯一的。 Laurent 展开式在 n\geq0 与 泰勒展开式 相同,故可以借助泰勒展开式计算 Laurent 展开。 常见的泰勒展开有: 也可以写成下图所示. 其中的 x 可以替换成 f (z) ,但是 f (z) 需要满足 x 的取值范围。 常见的技巧有:
洛朗级数 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在数学中,复变函数 f (z)的 洛朗级数 (英語: Laurent series),是 幂级数 的一种,它不仅包含了正数次数的项,也包含了负数次数的项。 有时无法把函数表示为 泰勒级数,但可以表示为洛朗级数。 洛朗级数是由 皮埃尔·阿方斯·洛朗 在1843年首次发表并以他命名的。 卡尔·魏尔斯特拉斯 可能是更早发现这个级数的人,但他1841年的论文在他死后才发表于世。 [1] 函数 f (z)关于点 c 的洛朗级数由下式给出: 其中 an 是常数,由以下的 曲線積分 定义,它是 柯西积分公式 的推广: