Galileo Plus, Oily mist filter unit - Air Filtration - Losma
Galileo Plus is a filter unit patented for mists generated by whole oil and emulsions in machine tools, reliable even with particulate matter. Galileo Plus is available in 5 models with flow rates from 325 to 3,500 m3/h. Patented in Italy. Patent applications filed in …
CNC油霧回收機 - LOSMA 油霧回收空氣清淨機 - 克普典科技
CNC油霧回收機能夠收集並過濾機械加工後產生的薄霧、蒸汽、煙霧和氣味,消除工作場所中的污染物,避免造成操作人員健康上的危害。 LOSMA 油霧回收機的過濾方式可分為離心、靜態和靜電過濾系統,可捕捉從液滴大小到微霧和煙霧的氣體顆粒,過濾效率高達 99.97%。
2025年3月10日 · G3000滤棉作为Losma滤棉系列中的明星产品,拥有诸多亮点。 首先,它的过滤效率极高,能够有效去除99%以上的油雾颗粒,确保车间空气清新。 其次,G3000滤棉具有优异的耐高温性能,能够在高达200℃的环境下正常工作,适应各种严苛条件。
LOSMA - PDF Catalogs | Technical Documentation | Brochure
Optional G-CLIPPER PLUS Post–filter cartridge for micro-mist, smoke and vapor. It allows to reach a high filtration level up to 99.97%. G-GUARD Pre-filtration module useful to optimize air filtration efficiency, in case of high production of oil mist containing dust or swarf chips, also with high pressure. The G-Guard is washable.
Oil mist collector - Galileo Plus series - LOSMA - DirectIndustry
Galileo Plus is a filter unit patented for mists generated by whole oil and emulsions in machine tools, reliable even with particulate matter. Patented in Italy. Patent applications filed in Europe, USA, China and Japan.
LOSMA grants that every single system is tested through strict control procedures. Every unit is provided with a qua-litative and functional test certifi-cate. Patented in Italy, Europe, USA, China and Japan.
Galileo Plus is a patented centrifugal filter for mist generated from neat oil and emulsions used in machine tools, also suitable in the presence of particulate. Galileo Plus is available in 5 models with throughputs from 325 to 3.500 m3/h. LOSMA grants that every single system is tested through strict control procedures.
Losma SpA, produttore di sistemi di filtrazione dell'aria e del ...
Dal 1974 Losma progetta e costruisce sistemi di depurazione per le macchine utensili. Un know-how maturato in quasi 50 anni di attività, che l’azienda mette a disposizione del mercato grazie ad un efficiente servizio di consulenza tecnica, organizzato per affiancare il cliente dalla progettazione all’installazione dell’impianto chiavi in mano.
MCG Environmental Engineering Ltd - Galileo Plus, Losma, Oil Mist
The LOSMA G-Guard Pre-filtration module is used as an initial pre-separation unit for applications with a high dust / swarf loading. The G-Guard effectively removes dust, swarf and chips from oil mist laden process air which prevents premature failure of the main filters. The Guard contains a reusable / washable mesh filter.
Galileo Plus Centrifugal Oil Mist Filters - Environmental XPRT
Galileo Plus is a filter unit patented for mists generated by whole oil and emulsions in machine tools, reliable even with particulate matter. Galileo Plus is available in 5 models with flow rates from 325 to 3,500 m3/h. Patented in Italy. Patent applications filed in Europe, USA, China and Japan. Long-life filters.
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