Galileo Plus, Oily mist filter unit - Air Filtration - Losma
Galileo Plus is a filter unit patented for mists generated by whole oil and emulsions in machine tools, reliable even with particulate matter. Galileo Plus is available in 5 models with flow rates from 325 to 3,500 m3/h. Patented in Italy. Patent applications filed in …
Losma意大利油雾处理器Galileo 系列G500 HRHB370 - 1688.com
Losma 意大利油雾处理器 Galileo 系列产品共有五个型号, G250, G500, G1000, G2000, G3000. LOSMA过滤器、LOSMA空气过滤器、LOSMA、LOSMA冷却液过滤器、LOSMA滤波器. 主要型号: Aspirofilter系列 Darwin系列 Sirius系列 Gemini系列 Newton系列 Modular filters系列.
LOSMA - PDF Catalogs | Technical Documentation | Brochure
Optional G-CLIPPER PLUS Post–filter cartridge for micro-mist, smoke and vapor. It allows to reach a high filtration level up to 99.97%. G-GUARD Pre-filtration module useful to optimize air filtration efficiency, in case of high production of oil mist containing dust or swarf chips, also with high pressure. The G-Guard is washable.
LOSMA ミストコレクター ガリレオ エクストラ | 商品情報
losma社では、工作機械のキャビン内の空気を1分間に最低2回入れ替える送風量の機種を選ぶことを推奨します。 (例)GP250を50Hzで運転した場合 232m 3 /h=232/60m 3 /min.=3.87m 3 /min.
Losma SpA, manufacturer for air and coolant filtration systems …
2024年10月18日 · Losma is specialized in air filters for oil mists, oil smoke and dust separation, and in depurators for neat oil and emulsion.
Galileo Plus is a patented centrifugal filter for mist generated from neat oil and emulsions used in machine tools, also suitable in the presence of particulate. Galileo Plus is available in 5 models with throughputs from 325 to 3.500 m3/h. LOSMA grants that every single system is tested through strict control procedures.
LOSMA油雾净化器GalileoPlusGP500油雾净化系统cnc回收机净化 …
阿里巴巴LOSMA油雾净化器GalileoPlusGP500油雾净化系统cnc回收机净化设备,油烟净化设备,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。 这是LOSMA油雾净化器GalileoPlusGP500油雾净化系统cnc回收机净化设备的详细页面。
Oil mist collector - Galileo Plus series - LOSMA - DirectIndustry
Galileo Plus is a filter unit patented for mists generated by whole oil and emulsions in machine tools, reliable even with particulate matter. Patented in Italy. Patent applications filed in Europe, USA, China and Japan.
马可波罗网(makepolo.com)提供意大利LOSMA油雾机,产品详情:品牌:意大利losma、型号:Galileo G500、加工定制:是、用途:油雾净化、外形尺寸:400×420mm、重量:14kg,更多产品详情就上马可波罗网!
LOSMA GP500 義大利 油霧回收機 切削油 ... - 蝦皮購物
losma工具機油霧回收機特色: 高效率氣旋式收集油汙,油霧髒污難以脫逃。 低成本,耐用度高。 獨特濾網科技,以除煙版、金屬濾網、生物濾網與後濾網機能,四重濾網防護,延長生物濾網和最濾網的使用壽命。
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