Kine of Araw | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Kine of Araw were legendary cattle-like creatures that lived around the fertile plains of the Sea of Rhûn from the earliest days of Arda onward. The Kine of Araw were descended from the even greater kine (cattle) of Oromë the Hunter, who …
The One Wiki to Rule Them All - Fandom
It was an immense, beautiful, and ore-laden cave system that extended deep down into the White Mountains for many miles and consisted of many different paths, tunnels, and chambers. A small stream ran down through the Narrows of Helm's Deep and …
凯勒博恩 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限 …
凯勒博恩 (Celeborn)是 洛丝罗瑞恩 的领主。 他的妻子是 加拉德瑞尔,她被称作黄金森林的夫人。 凯勒博恩被称为中洲 第三纪元 末期最智慧的精灵之一。 魔戒大战 时期,凯勒博恩保卫着 洛丝罗瑞恩,并且领导了对 多古尔都 的敌军要塞的袭击。 第四纪元 前期,凯勒博恩在中洲逗留了一段时间,但最终他去往不死之地与妻子相会 [2]。 凯勒博恩是 多瑞亚斯 的亲王,也是 多瑞亚斯 之王 辛葛 的亲族。 凯勒博恩是 辛葛 的弟弟 埃尔莫 之孙。 凯勒博恩的父亲是 加拉松,他还有一 …
魔戒中文维基 | 指环王中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技 …
洛汗,是毗邻 刚铎 北境的人类王国,它以骏马和强大骑兵闻名,是刚铎最为重要的盟友。 1917年:演员 汉斯·康里德 出生。 他为 1977年 版 《霍比特人》动画电影 配音,饰 梭林·橡木盾。 1963年: 克鲁斯夫妇 给 J·R·R·托尔金 写了一封信。 1994年:音乐家 唐纳德·斯旺 去世。 他曾为 《旅途永不绝》 作曲。 2003年: 《指环王:双塔奇兵》 荣获第75届奥斯卡金像奖最佳音效剪辑、最佳视觉效果两项大奖。 2006年: 《魔戒》音乐剧 在多伦多举行媒体首映会。 今日无事发 …
List of Middle-earth characters - Wikipedia
The following is a list of notable characters from J. R. R. Tolkien 's Middle-earth legendarium. The list is for characters from Tolkien's writings only. Aragorn: Son of Arathorn, descendant of Isildur.
The Lord of the Rings - Wikipedia
The Lord of the Rings is an epic [1] high fantasy novel [a] written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. Set in Middle-earth, the story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 children's book The Hobbit but eventually developed into a much larger work.
Khaine - Warhammer Wiki | Fandom
Khaela Mensha Khaine, usually simply called Khaine, also known as the " Bloody-Handed God " and the " Lord of Murder," is the Elven god of violence, war, cruelty, blood, destruction, and murder. In the Elven Pantheon, Khaine is the kindler of …
Avatar of Khaine - Warhammer
An Avatar of Khaine is an ancient deity incarnate – a burning shard of Khaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God of the Aeldari. Awakened for battle, he marches through enemy fire without breaking stride, laughing cruelly as his weapon – the Wailing Doom – cleaves flesh and tastes the blood of his foes with each strike.
Kaela Mensha Khaine | Warhammer 40k Wiki | Fandom
In Aeldari mythology, Kaela Mensha Khaine, or Khaine, is a god associated with war, violence, and conflict. He is one of the three surviving Aeldari gods and embodies the Aeldari's passion in battle. Khaine, known for his violence and recklessness, was second in power only to his brother, Phoenix King Asuryan.
MANWE | Wiki | LOTR Amino
MANWË. It is the most important of the Valar and therefore one of the Aratar. Manwë was the younger brother of Melkor, the Dark Lord, in the conception of Eru.