Lotus Emira – Reserve Now | Lotus Cars
Building on the Lotus legacy, the Emira leverages smart design, materials and cutting-edge technology to deliver enhanced stability, exceptional handling, and a characteristically low centre of gravity.
Lotus Cars Official Website | Lotus Cars
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莲花跑车ELETRE和EMEYA繁花今日正式推送了Lotus Hyper OS 1.8.0版本的OTA升级,城市路领航体验版将分批次在全国16城落地开通,并新增了驻车舒享模式、悬架高度记忆体验优化、“ …
Lotus Evija - The Electric Hypercar | Lotus Cars
Lotus Evija is the British first all-electric hypercar. With a maximum speed of +320 kph, it is the most powerful electric sports car ever produced.
Lotus Cars - Wikipedia
Lotus Group (also known as Lotus Cars) is a British multinational automotive manufacturer of luxury sports cars and electric vehicles. Lotus Group is composed of three primary entities. Lotus Cars, a high-performance sports car company, is based in Hethel, Norfolk.
黑色幽灵:一小时纪录战车Lotus Sport 110|铁三车(计时车) - 美 …
2018年1月11日 · Lotus Sport 110 TT战车具有外形圆润的一体式碳纤维硬壳构造,可以将风阻减到最小。 整车造型诡异、极具未来感,人们把它戏称为“超级自行车”。 有人说这台车的外形酷似SR-71"黑鸟"高空战略侦察机(SR-71 Blackbird),确实如此,他黑色的外表给人十足的速度感。 可提供不同的握把姿势. 车把的角度可调. 20多年前的TT车休息把与现在的相似. 高科技的标志. 三刀轮. 暗黑的后封闭轮. Lotus Sport 110 TT战车另外一面. Lotus Sport 110 TT战车 与SR-71 …
Lotus Motorsport - Lotus Cars Media Site
Lotus Cup Europe is the world's premier and longest-running Lotus race championship. First staged in 2004, it was originally set up by Group Lotus as a fun and professionally-run single-make motorsport series.
刚柔并济 LOTUS EVORA GT410sport 深度评测 - 知乎
911确实优秀,路特斯虽然命运多舛,依然倔强,路特斯可能依然是少数人的选择。 你会如何选择呢? 在100万这个级别,我会选LOTUS GT410 sport,就因为它够特别! 其实我没有发福,只是笑得比较尴尬…
Evora GT410 Sport - Lotus Cars Media Site
As a result, the Evora GT410 Sport the most aerodynamically efficient Lotus road car of all. Featuring exquisite quality carbon fibre panels as standard, including the front access panel, roof panel and a one-piece louvered tailgate with integrated spoiler, the flagship Lotus is now faster, sharper and more appealing than ever.
Elise Sport 240 Final Edition - Lotus Cars Media Site
The Elise is a truly iconic Lotus, with 2021 serving as the 25th and final year of production. The Elise Sport 240 Final Edition is a fitting tribute, and the exclusivity and rarity will no doubt ensure high demand and guarantee future classic status.