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Explore your passions and achieve your dreams with LPEC's personalized education and experienced guidance. Join our supportive community today and start your journey of self-improvement.
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Explore your passions and achieve your dreams with LPEC's personalized education and experienced guidance. Join our supportive community today and start your journey of self-improvement.
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透過專業導師的一對一指導,幫助學生強化基礎概念,重點覆蓋考試範圍,並提供高效應試技巧,使孩子能夠更有信心地面對測驗和考試。 為應對高中課程挑戰,特設專科加強班,助學生鞏固基礎,突破學習瓶頸。 透過個別輔導與針對性訓練,提升解題能力與考試應對技巧。 針對中學課程中的重點與難點,提供個性化學習方案,確保學生能夠有效掌握各科知識,提升學習效率及成績表現。 針對小學高年級學生設計的專科強化班,透過個別指導與重點突破訓練,幫助學生在學 …
LPEC在催化裂化、加氢、 重整、制氢、油气储运等领域形成了有自己特色的工程技术,创造了多项“全国第一”,完成了目前国内最大规模的常减压、催化裂化、加氢裂化、加氢精制、连续重整、PX等装置和单系列加工能力最大的炼油厂、综合加工能力最大的炼油厂等工程的大型化工程设计和工程开发。 中国石油华东设计院(简称 CEI )成立于1974 年,是国家医药石化行业甲级设计院, 全国百强设计院, 是集团公司炼油行业指导设计院,是中油勘探开发公司的技术支持单位、中 …
2024年9月24日 · Situated in Kiribathgoda, LPEC Campus (www.lpec.lk) provides a range of nationally and internationally recognized programs, including Diplomas, Degrees, Special Degrees, and Post-Graduate programs, designed to meet the needs of the modern job market.
LPEC Programs - LPEC Campus
Explore diverse programs in Human Resource Management, Business Management, Marketing, IT, Psychology, and English. Gain practical skills, earn recognized diplomas, higher diplomas, and degrees, and connect with the community. Start your journey to success with us today! Every choice offers a unique professional pathway. Start your journey today.