LPD (Legal Point Of Discharge) Victoria - PSI GLOBAL
Also known as Regulation 610, LPOD or LPD, a Legal Point of Discharge certificate shows the point where stormwater discharges from a property into a council-managed drain, as well as the location of any pipes on the property.
Victoria’s Stormwater Drainage Regulations: What You Need to …
2024年2月14日 · It is important to understand the legal point of discharge (LPOD) for your property, as this is the location where stormwater must be discharged. The LPOD is determined by the relevant council and is identified in the council report required for building permits. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Legal point of discharge - City of Greater Geelong
A legal point of discharge (LPOD) is a location where stormwater from a private property has been permitted to discharge, usually into our drainage system or road reserve.
Everything you need to know about the legal point of discharge
2020年7月31日 · For example, say your design calls for the driveway to be moved - in this case, you’ll need a new system of drains and underground pipes to channel stormwater to the legal point of discharge. In order to install these connections, you’ll need to know where the legal point of discharge on your property is to begin with.
B3: Show the location of the Legal Point of Discharge (LPOD) on proposed plans. This is generally requested from the council and should be to the municipal drainage system with direction on how the connection is to be made, e.g. connect to underground pipe, to gutter, etc. Show all drainage pipe infrastructure on a plan.
LPOD (Legal Point of Discharge) Melbourne - Enviro Drainage …
A Legal Point of Discharge (LPOD) is the point at which stormwater from a property is legally allowed to be discharged into the public stormwater system. It is a crucial component of the stormwater management process, as it helps to protect the quality of water by ensuring that stormwater is appropriately managed and controlled.
Stormwater City of West Torrens
Each property is allocated with a location to direct its stormwater drainage; typically, this location will be to a Council underground drain or to the kerb and channel in the adjacent roadway. This discharge location is known as the Legal Point of Discharge (LPOD). All drainage issues beyond this point are the responsibility of Council.
Stormwater Connection Points and Drainage Asset Details
What is an LPD? A legal point of discharge is the point of connection to a drain, specified by Council where stormwater from a private property must be discharged. This connection could be into a pipe, pit, kerb and channel, open drain, Melbourne Water drain, or a private drain if suitable.
Storm water connection • Home Renovation & Building Forum
2020年4月1日 · What are the other ways to get storm water pipes connected to LPOD without using pump as I understand in case of severe storm, first thing to go is electricity. Correct, it is far from ideal. The plans will show whether you can have a charged system but from your posted description, there is no way that you can't.
Request location of a stormwater discharge point
A stormwater discharge point is where your property's drainage links to Council's drainage network. The location point is allocated by Council. You may need the location of your discharge point when applying for a building permit. If you need to create a new pipe connection, you may also need a drainage tapping or road reserve permit.