Purification and Mutagenesis of LpxL, the Lauroyltransferase of
The inner membrane enzyme LpxL transfers laurate from lauroyl-acyl carrier protein to the 2′- R -3-hydroxymyristate moiety of the tetra-acylated lipid A precursor Kdo 2 -lipid IV A. LpxL has now been over-expressed, solubilized with n-dodecyl-β- d …
Function and Biogenesis of Lipopolysaccharides - PMC
LpxL adds a lauroyl group to the hydroxyl of the 2′-hydroxymyristoyl group and, subsequently, LpxM transfers a myristoyl group to the hydroxyl of the 3′-hydroxymyristoyl group (58–60). Like their earlier counterparts LpxA and LpxD, LpxL and …
lpxL 和 lpxM 基因对O1、O78血清型禽致病性大肠杆菌毒力的影响
2020年7月15日 · 本文为了探讨脂多糖合成基因 lpxL 、 lpxM 与APEC O1和O78血清型菌株致病性的关系,通过构建 lpxL 、 lpxM 基因缺失株,进行相关生物学特性的研究,分析脂多糖对于APEC生物学特性、致病性的影响,以及 lpxL 、 lpxM 基因在APEC O1和O78血清型中的影响有无差异,从而进一步探讨APEC的致病机理奠定基础。 420羽1日龄无特定病原体 (specific pathogen free,SPF)鸡和180羽21日龄的SPF鸡由北京梅里亚种蛋自行孵化后于隔离器内饲养,自由采 …
A Triple Mutant of - Journal of Biological Chemistry
The lpxL gene was discovered by Georgopoulos and co-workers (14, 15) as being required for rapid growth above 32 °C on nutrient broth and was initially designated htrB for “high temperature requirement gene type B.” Clementz et al. (5,16) subsequently elucidated the function of HtrB as the lauroyltransferase (LpxL) of lipid A biosynthesis.
Identification and Characterization of Two Klebsiella pneumoniae lpxL …
Here we report on the characterization of K. pneumoniae lpxL, which encodes one of the enzymes responsible for the late secondary acylation of immature lipid A molecules. Analysis of the available K. pneumoniae genomes revealed that this pathogen's genome encodes two orthologues of Escherichia coli LpxL.
Modification of lipid A structure and activity by the introduction of ...
Lauroyltransferase gene (lpxL), Myristoyltransferase gene (lpxM) and palmitoyltransferase gene (crcA) of Escherichia coli BL21 were independently disrupted by the insertional mutations. The knockout mutant of two transferase genes (lpxL and crcA) produced lipid A with no lauric or palmitic acids and …
LPXL | Gene Target - PubChem
lpxL - lauroyl acyltransferase (Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655) Co-occurrence panel for gene symbol: LPXL. Gene target information for LPXL. Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments.
Density gradient enrichment of Escherichia coli lpxL mutants
2012年7月1日 · LpxL is a late acyltransferase of the pathway of lipid A biosynthesis (The Raetz Pathway). Sequencing the lpxL gene from the mutants revealed the presence of both missense and nonsense mutations. The missense mutations include several in close proximity to the enzyme's active site or conserved residues (E137K, H132Y, G168D).
Modification of Lipid A Biosynthesis in Neisseria meningitidis lpxL ...
Two genes homologous to lpxL and lpxM from Escherichia coli and other gram-negative bacteria, which are involved in lipid A acyloxyacylation, were identified in Neisseria meningitidis strain H44/76 and insertionally inactivated.
Evolution of the Kdo 2 -lipid A biosynthesis in bacteria - BioMed …
2010年11月24日 · The original lpxL gene (Type 1) was subsequently lost from the Y. pestis genome (Figure 4). In addition to these major duplication events, we also identified at least two species-specific lpxL duplications in Gammaproteobacteria: one for Type 1 (in Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2; order Oceanospirillales) and another for Type 2 (in Francisella ...