lqt5/lqt: Lua Binding for Qt5 - GitHub
lqt is a Lua/luajit binding to the Qt5 framework. It is an automated binding generated from the modified version of Qt headers, and covers almost all classes and methods from supported Qt modules. For more info, check the documentation, mailing list or contact the authors: Michal Kottman [email protected]; Mauro Iazzi [email protected]
GitHub - mkottman/lqt: Lua bindings for Qt4 by Mauro Iazzi
lqt is a Lua binding to the Qt framework. It is an automated binding generated from the Qt headers, and covers almost all classes and methods from supported Qt modules. For more info, check the documentation, mailing list or contact the authors:
lqt/doc/USAGE.md at qt5 · lqt5/lqt - GitHub
This document explains how to use lqt in Lua, how to load the libraries, how to use them, create instances and use advanced features. The libraries are distributed as separate modules, that can be loaded by the require function. They are named by lowercasing the module name, i.e. qtcore, qtgui, qtxml, etc.:
lqt 项目下载及安装教程 - GitCode博客
2024年12月14日 · lqt 是一个为 Qt4 框架提供 Lua 绑定的开源项目。它通过自动生成绑定代码,覆盖了几乎所有 Qt 模块的类和方法。lqt 支持多种 Qt 模块,如 QtCore、QtGui、QtNetwork 等,并且提供了高 API 覆盖率。此外,lqt 还支持 C++/Qt 特性,如方法重载、虚方法、多
Q-learning for optimal tracking control of linear discrete-time …
2024年12月13日 · 对未知离散时间系统,提出新的基于Qlearning算法求解无限时域线性二次跟踪器LQT问题。线性指令生成器以产生参考轨迹,由指令生成器和原系统组成增广系统。值函数是增广系统(状态和参考轨迹)的二次型函数。给出求解LQT的贝尔曼方程和增广的代数Riccati方程。
LQ Hub
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20. LQR控制器— 线性二次型调节器 Linear Quadratic Regulator
L_1=x (t)^TQx (t) : x (t) 是状态向量,也可以是误差状态向量( e (t)=x (t)-x_0 (t) ), Q 是权重矩阵。 由于 我们允许 Q 的特征值为非负, x (t)^TQx (t)\geq0 ,即 Q 是semi positive definite 的,我们总有 L_1 非负。 L_1 衡量了误差 x (t) 的大小。 使用系统状态向量时,可以认为 x (t) 是与0向量之间的误差。 当 J 最小时,这一项也会要求尽量小。
Qt5 for lua - GitHub
lqt5 is a Lua binding to the Qt5 framework. Qt5 for lua has 11 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Linear Quadratic Tracking Control of Car-in-the-Loop Test Bench …
2024年7月30日 · In this paper, we introduce a control method for the linear quadratic tracking (LQT) problem with zero steady-state error. This is achieved by augmenting the original system with an additional state representing the integrated …