Rust resistance gene Lr46-Yr29 - MASWheat
2019年7月27日 · Leaf rust resistance gene Lr46 is a slow rusting gene. These genes do not provide the host plant with complete immunity against a set of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) races; instead they can delay the infection process or reduce the development of symptoms caused by a wider range of leaf rust races on adult plants.
Lr46: a gene conferring slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust
Evaluation of such BC(2)F(3) and BC(3)F(3) lines from 16 confirmed 'Lalbahadur' monosomics indicated that one slow-rusting gene was located in chromosome 1B of 'Pavon 76'. This gene, designated as Lr46, is the second named gene involved in slow-rusting resistance to …
Molecular marker mapping of leaf rust resistance gene lr46 and its ...
A gene that confers slow rusting resistance to leaf rust, designated as Lr46, has recently been located on wheat chromosome 1B. The objectives of our study were to establish the precise genomic location of gene Lr46 using molecular approaches and to determine if there was an association of this locus with adult plant resistance to stripe rust.
2024年4月11日 · Lr46 是从CIMMYT小麦品种Pavon 76中发现的抗叶锈病基因,该品种自1976年在墨西哥应用以来一直保持着良好慢叶锈病抗性,是第二个正式命名的小麦慢叶锈病基因 (Singh et al., 1998)。 之后陆续发现该基因还兼抗条锈病 (Yr29, William et al., 2003)、白粉病 (Pm39, Lillemo et al., 2008)、秆锈病 (Sr58, Singh et al., 2013),并且具有叶片干尖的特点 (Ltn2, Rosewarne et al., 2006)。
Three co-located resistance genes confer resistance to leaf rust …
Lr46/Yr29 (1BL), Yr17 (2AS) and Yr30 (3BS) were present in the resistant parent and segregated in the RIL population based on characterization by molecular markers linked to these genes. When present alone, Lr46 / Yr29 caused average 13% and 16% reductions in LR and YR severities, respectively, in RILs.
Genome-wide atlas of rust resistance loci in wheat
2024年7月9日 · Lr46/Yr29/Sr58 was the second formally named gene conferring slow-leaf-rusting resistance (Singh et al. 1998). Subsequently, Lr46/Yr29/Sr58 was also reported to display pleiotropic resistance to stripe rust and stem rust, associated with leaf tip necrosis. Ongoing mapping and cloning studies are being conducted for Lr46/Yr29/Sr58.
Lr46:赋予小麦抗叶锈病慢锈性的基因。 - X-MOL
该基因被命名为Lr46,是第二个参与小麦对叶锈病的慢锈抗性的基因。 摘要小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种Pavon 76对叶锈病具有慢锈抗性,自1976年发布以来一直在墨西哥有效。 “ Pavon 76”与两个对叶锈病敏感的小麦品种Jupateco 73S和Avocet S杂交,分别在墨西哥的两个田间站点在不同季节评估了118至148个F(2)植物衍生的F(3)和F(5)品系的成年植物叶片防锈性能。 对F(1)植物和亲本的评估表明,耐慢锈性是部分优势。 F(3)和F(5)中的分离表明抗性 …
Lr46 : A Gene Conferring Slow-Rusting Resistance to Leaf Rust in …
2007年2月22日 · Evaluation of such BC 2 F 3 and BC 3 F 3 lines from 16 confirmed ‘Lalbahadur’ monosomics indicated that one slow-rusting gene was located in chromosome 1B of ‘Pavon 76’. This gene, designated as Lr46, is the second named gene involved in slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in wheat.
Lr67/Yr46 confers adult plant resistance to stem rust and
2014年1月10日 · Our study demonstrates that Lr67/Yr46 confers partial resistance to stem rust and powdery mildew and is associated with leaf tip necrosis. The corresponding pleiotropic, or tightly linked, genes, designated as Sr55, Pm46, and Ltn3, can be utilized to provide broad-spectrum durable disease resistance in wheat.
Identification of known leaf rust resistance genes in common …
2019年1月1日 · Lr37, Lr34 and Lr46 are adult plant resistance (APR) genes and can't be postulated at the seedling stage but they can be identified by molecular markers. Lr37 was found in 21 cultivars and Lr46 was detected in 9 cultivars either singly or in combination.