Bacterial lipopolysaccharide related genes signature as potential ...
2023年9月23日 · In the study, Venn plots and lasso analysis were used to obtain differentially expressed LPS related hub genes (LRHG). Afterwards, in order to establish a prognostic risk score model and column chart in LRHG features, we used univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis for modeling and composition.
细菌脂多糖相关基因特征作为胃癌预后和免疫治疗的潜在生物标志 …
研究中利用维恩图和套索分析获得差异表达的LPS相关枢纽基因(LRHG)。 随后,为了建立LRHG特征中的预后风险评分模型和柱形图,我们使用单变量和多变量Cox回归分析进行建模和组合。 此外,我们还结合TMB、MSI、KRAS突变体、TIDE评分等对免疫治疗的临床作用进行了深入研究。 我们在数据库中筛选了 9 个 LRHG。 我们基于LRHG构建了预后风险评分和柱形图,表明低风险评分对患者有保护作用。 我们特别通过TIDE评分评估发现低风险评分有利于免疫治疗 …
In the study, Venn plots and lasso analysis were used to obtain diferentially expressed LPS related hub genes (LRHG). Afterwards, in order to establish a prognostic risk score model and column...
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide related genes signature as potential ...
2023年9月23日 · Based on LPS related hub genes, we established a LRHG signature, which can help predict immunotherapy and prognosis for GC patients. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide related genes can also be biomarkers to predict progression free survival in GC patients.
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide-related genes are involved in the …
LRHG were involved in functional phenotypes such as tumor invasion, fat metabolism, sex hormone response, DNA repair, apoptosis, and immunoregulation. And it can regulate the immune microenvironment in the tumor by influencing the antigen presentation of immune cells in …
换个方式蹭微生物的热点,直取5分+纯生信!CTD数据库获取细菌 …
2023年5月25日 · 通过维恩图获得差异表达的脂多糖相关hub基因(LPS-related hub gene,LRHG),并利用基因集富集分析(GSEA)对LRHG可能的分子机制进行研究。 采用单样本基因集富集分析(ssGSEA)研究恶性肿瘤免疫浸润评分。
Establishment of potential lncRNA-related hub genes involved ...
2024年11月9日 · Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have a notable role in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. However, the associations between lncRNA-related hub genes (LRHGs) expression and the corresponding outcomes have not been fully understood in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD).
Nat Metab:丁秋蓉课题组发现调控节律性染色质重塑和脂代谢基因表达的分子开关 …
2020年6月18日 · 研究人员进一步针对导致MRG15节律性基因组结合上游机制进行了研究,初步发现肝脏核受体LRH-1(又名NR5A2)部分介导了MRG15在脂代谢基因转录调控区域的结合。 LRH-1与MRG15存在蛋白相互作用,实验结果显示LRH-1的蛋白表达量以及LRH-1与MRG15的蛋白相互作用明显受节律和上游营养信号调控,提示了一种经由LRH-1调控MRG15基因组结合的上游营养感应机制。 以上结果提示MRG15介导的表观重塑促进了肝脏组织在营养丰富状态下的脂质合 …
Deduced LRHG amino acid sequence. A, Alignment of
Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein 1 (LRG1) mediates skin repair and fibrosis by stimulating the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) signaling pathway. In the present study, we investigated the...
药物发现│靶向LRH-1药物研发进展 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
肝受体同源物-1 (LRH-1, NR5A2) 是一种配体激活的转录因子,属于核受体蛋白家族。 它也被称为 fushi tarazu因子1 (FTZ-F1)、甲胎蛋白转录因子(FTF)、胰腺同源受体1(PHR-1)、人B1结合因子(hB1F)、激活增强子II的肝细胞转录因子乙型肝炎病毒 (HB1F2) 和 Cyp7A 启动子结合因子 (CPF)。 LRH-1属于核受体亚家族5 A组 (NR5A),这一家族蛋白还包含与人类密切相关的类固醇生成因子1(SF-1,NR5A1),而其他物种(例如,果蝇)具有更多NR5A亚科成员。 LRH-1 …