The diagnosis of limbal stem cell deficiency - ScienceDirect
2018年1月1日 · Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a pathologic condition that results from the dysfunction and/or an insufficient quantity of LSCs. The diagnosis of LSCD has been made mainly based on medical history and clinical signs, which often are not specific to LSCD. Methods to stage the severity of LSCD have been lacking.
Diagnosis and Management of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
2014年2月1日 · With a reduced ability to repopulate the corneal epithelium and an unstable ocular surface, patients with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) can have ocular pain from corneal erosions and decreased vision from stromal scarring or epithelial irregularity. LSCD is often misdiagnosed, especially during its early stages.
Recognizing and Managing Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a multifactorial disease associated with the compromise of limbal stem cells, which help to maintain the transparency and stability of the cornea. LSCD can be challenging to diagnose in early stages, as it has the potential to mimic other ocular surface diseases such as dry eye syndrome.
Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency - EyeWiki
Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is characterized by a loss or deficiency of the stem cells in the limbus that are vital for the re-population of the corneal epithelium and to the barrier function of the limbus.
Global Consensus on Definition, Classification, Diagnosis, and Staging ...
This global consensus provides a comprehensive framework for the definition, classification, diagnosis, and staging of LSCD. The newly established criteria will aid in the correct diagnosis and formulation of an appropriate treatment for different …
Presentation, Diagnosis and Management of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) can lead to corneal opacity and vascularization, with consequent visual impairment or blindness. Many acquired and congenital diseases can lead to LCSD by direct injury to the LSCs, destruction of LSC niche, or both. Based on the severity of the disease, LSCD can present with various symptoms and signs.
A Review of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Limbal Stem Cell …
Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) can cause significant corneal vascularization and scarring and often results in serious visual morbidity. An early and accurate diagnosis can help prevent the same with a timely and appropriate intervention.
Global consensus on the definition, classification, diagnosis and ...
Partial LSCD is characterized by incomplete conjunctivalization of the corneal surface and the presence of residual limbal and consequent corneal epithelial cells (Figure 1C, 1D). Total LSCD is characterized by conjunctivalization of the entire corneal surface due to a complete loss of corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cells (Figure 1E, 1F).
ficiency (LSCD) can have ocular pain from corneal erosions and decreased vision from stromal scarring or epithe-lial irregularity. LSCD is often misdiagnosed, espe-cially during its early stages. Patients may present with nonspecific com-plaints that are common to many ocu-lar surface disorders, and clinical ex-amination is often nonspecific as ...
Limbal stem cell diseases - ScienceDirect
2021年4月1日 · Diagnosis and staging of limbal stem cell deficiency requires standardized criteria. Optimization of the ocular surface remains the first step in managing limbal stem cell deficiency. The function of limbal stem/progenitor cells (LSCs) is critical to maintain corneal epithelial homeostasis.