306P MkII | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
With the revolutionary JBL Image Control Waveguide and refined transducers, JBL 306P MkII offers stunning detail, precise imaging, a wide sweet spot and impressive dynamic range that enhances the mix capabilities of any modern workspace.
JBL 306P MkII | Powered 6" (15.24 cm) Two-Way Studio Monitor
With the revolutionary JBL Image Control Waveguide and refined transducers, the JBL 306P MkII powered 6" (15.24 cm) two-way studio monitor offers stunning detail, precise imaging, a wide sweet spot and impressive dynamic range that enhances the critical listening capabilities of any modern workspace.
JBL新一代6寸入门监听音箱306P Mk2 购买事宜与开箱
2019年1月26日 · JBL NANO 亚马逊 无货,只能买国行(JBL的国行价格,你懂的 )。 306p的价格看了看还不错,最终下单了一对306p。 音箱从美国发货,跑了将近半个月,送到了手上。 首先不得不吐槽一下,付款没三四天,一对的价格(加关税)就降价了100元,为啥我的脸这么黑 ........ 6寸音箱比较大,发了两个箱子过来。 包得很严实,一层层拆开。 然后就是箱内附带的所有物品了,清单如下: 正面照,标准的吸灰材质,注意防尘。 6寸箱放桌面还是挺有压力的,毕竟本来 …
JBL Professional 306P MkII 6-Inch 2-Way Powered, Active Monitor …
Amazon.com: JBL Professional 306P MkII 6-Inch 2-Way Powered, Active Monitor Speaker for Near Field Music Production, Studio Monitor, Desktop Computer, Hi-Fi Audio. Sold individually, Black : JBL: Electronics. New & Used (19) from$134 & .
亚马逊海外购拔草JBL 306p mkii 监听音箱的开箱及唠叨_音箱_什么 …
2019年5月11日 · 先归纳一下时间线:4月28日0点下单魅族线,5月1日在武汉游玩时下单306p,5月5日收到魅族线,5月7日退魅族线,5月10日收到306p。 306p这个箱子关注已久,也是拜大妈所赐,关注了很久入门级监听箱,看了有presonus e5、 惠威 的一系列、 漫步者 s2000等等,最在意的还是jbl 305p,去年黑五的神价格,后来又看了网上的各种言论,觉得jbl的素质应该是比较稳定的而且较好的,参考站内历史低价,如果海外购能在2000以内的价格拿下一对306p …
JBL 306P MK II Review (Studio Monitor)
2016年2月13日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of the JBL Professional 306P MKII powered speaker. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $149 including Prime shipping from Amazon (each). You can see the switches and gain control as tested. Measurements that you are about to see were performed using the Klippel Near-field Scanner (NFS).
JBL 二代 3 系列整容归来,新增 6 寸 306P | 叉烧网
2018年1月11日 · 306P 非常有吸引力,应该与 308P 共享功放模块(都是 56W + 56W),由于单元比 308P 更轻,瞬态和细节必定比 308P 出色,39Hz 的下潜已经与 308P 的 37Hz 非常接近 …
JBL 306P MkII 6.5" Studio Monitoring Speakers (Pair)
Hear deep, accurate, and tightly controlled bass, thanks to a long-throw 6.5-inch woofer and the patented JBL Slip Stream low-frequency port. Powerful Drivers: From music production and podcasting to cinematic sound design or daily vlogging, enjoy the output and power you need to hear exceptional detail at any volume - even at peak SPL.
JBL LSR306P MkII 6 inch Active Studio Monitors, Pair - Reverb
JBL 306P MkII is ready for the most demanding production styles right out of the box. Dual integrated Class D power amplifiers, custom designed by JBL for each transducer, give you generous dynamic range for any project.
JBL 306P MkII 6.5 inch Powered Studio Monitor | Sweetwater
JBL designed the 306P MkII with advanced features acquired from their 7 Series and M2 Master Reference Monitor, making legendary JBL performance accessible to every studio. JBL’s …