Is lt 432 worth it? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年9月20日 · LT-432 has better VR, better mobility, great HE DPM for dealing with light tanks, borat and squishy TDs and the tanks has armor which can save you while peaking to spot.
LT-432 Review - Strongest premium LT in the game ["Road to
2018年11月11日 · Because LT-432 not only has almost no weakness but also is incredibly strong in a direct gunfighting situation (unlike every other tier 8 light), LT-432 wins. Teams that don't have a light tank are at a significant disadvantage vs teams that do, especially on the more open maps or closer to the end of the game.
LT-432 - Not quite so fictitious after all... - Reddit
2024年4月18日 · The Object 432, is very clearly quite different from the 775... akin to something more like the Object 430. Well, it literally is a 430, just modernized, in a similar fashion to the T-55 being upgraded into the T-62. (This was to prevent the Object 430 project from cancellation). Anyway, the LT-432, is in fact a real design.
Is the LT-432 worth it for an average/below average player
2020年12月12日 · LT-432 can be very forgiving for a light tank. Good camo paired with exceptionally strong armor make it a favorite among players.
LT 432 - The best thing I've ever bought in this game - Reddit
2019年12月16日 · The LT-432, however, has better frontal armor than the patriot because of the slope, and its turret is ridiculously tiny, so if you move unpredictably and stay somewhat hulldown, you can bounce so much stuff... Source- I have third marked both the LT-432 and the T26E5 and completed 4000 damage block missions in both.
LT-432 Tips? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年12月25日 · I’ve played around 20 games with the LT-432 and I haven’t done well in any of them to be fair. I want to learn how to play the tank well- any tips? I…
LT-432 review / overview : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2021年10月13日 · The LT-432 was OP back in update 7.7 when it was first introduced as a BETA test tank. Its frontal armor could bounce EVERY SHOT in the front from Tier 7 tanks.
Equipment 2.0 - how do you have your LT 432 configured. - Reddit
2020年8月14日 · The ebr is still faster with like 5-4 km/h top speed, but 432 is way better at turning and in overall manouvering. Also, for competitve (CW) CVS and extra camo giver equipment can be a godlike setup, depending on the map.
LT-432 or ELC EVEN 90? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年4月23日 · LT-432 was very useful for some of the second campaign 279e missions. At least for me. I like both. LT is a much better damage dealer. ELC has to wait till tanks die off and single or double tanks are isolated to flank and pen. The LT …
LT432 or ELC EVEN 90 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Lt 432 is the best counter to a elc, all elc has is camo and size. Lt 432 has the rest, speed, good gun, troll armor.