LT8610A Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The LT8610A is a compact, high efficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulator that consumes only 2.5μA of quiescent current when output is regulated at 5V and is unloaded.
The LT®8610A/LT8610AB series are compact, high ef-ficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulators that consume only 2.5μA of quies-cent current. Compared to the LT8610, they have higher maximum output currents of 3.5A and a faster minimum switch-on time of 30ns.
LT8610A Datasheet(PDF) - Analog Devices
Description: Dual Channel 6A, 42V, Synchronous Step-Down Silent Switcher 2 with 6.2μA Quiescent Current. Manufacturer: Analog Devices.
LT8610AEMSE#PBF_ADI (亚德诺)_LT8610AEMSE#PBF中文资 …
lt8610a/lt8610ab系列是紧凑、高效、高速同步单片降压开关调节器,静态电流仅为2.5μa。 与LT8610相比,最大输出电流为3.5A,最小导通时间为30ns。 具有低纹波突发模式性能,可同步外部时钟,具有宽输入电压范围(3.4V至42V)。
LT8610A / LT8610AB - 具 2.5μA 静态电流的 42V、3.5A 同步降压 …
LT®8610A / LT8610AB 是紧凑、高效率、高速、同步、单片式、降压型开关稳压器,仅消耗 2.5μA 的静态电流。 与 LT8610 相比,这两款器件均具有较高的最大输出电流 (3.5A) 和较快的最小接通时间 (30ns)。 LT8610A 具有与 LT8610 相同的低纹波突发模式性能,而 LT8610AB 则拥有更高的轻负载效率。 LT8610A / LT8610AB 保持了 LT8610 的其他特点。 一个 SYNC 引脚用于实现至外部时钟的同步。 EN/UV 引脚具有一个准确的 1V 门限,用于实现 VIN 欠压闭锁或停机。 …
LT8610A 亚德诺-ADI_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_亚德诺 …
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LT8610A数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
The LT8610A is a compact, high efficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulator that consumes only 2.5μA of quiescent current when output is regulated at 5V and is unloaded.
The LT®8610AC/LT8610AC-1 is a compact, high efficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulator that consumes only 2.5μA of quiescent current. Compared to the LT8610AB, the LT8610AC/LT8610AC-1 has a lower feedback voltage of …
LT8610 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The LT8610 is a compact, high efficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulator that consumes only 2.5μA of quiescent current. Top and bottom power switches are included with all necessary circuitry to minimize the need for external components.
The LT®8610A/LT8610AB series are compact, high ef-ficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulators that consume only 2.5μA of quies-cent current. Compared to the LT8610, they have higher maximum output currents of 3.5A and a faster minimum switch-on time of 30ns.