Min-Zhan Lu - Wikipedia
Min-Zhan Lu is a composition professor and scholar. She serves as professor emerita of English at the University of Louisville. She is the 2005 recipient of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Richard M. Braddock …
Min-Zhan Lu — Department of English - University of Louisville
Extensive practice in literary analysis and in the forms and conventions of writing about various literary genres. Involves discussion and analysis of advanced research topics leading to the dissertation. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the doctoral program in English or …
Min-Zhan Lu's research works | University of Louisville, …
Min-Zhan Lu's 12 research works with 176 citations and 177 reads, including: REWRITING THE LANGUAGE(S) OF LANGUAGE DIFFERENCES IN WRITING
We call for a new paradigm: a translingual approach. This approach sees dif-ference in language not as a barrier to overcome or as a problem to manage, but as a resource for producing meaning in writing, speaking, reading, and listening. When faced with difference in language, this approach asks: What might this difference do?
Min-Zhan Lu Min~Zhan Lu is Endo""ment Professor of the Humanities at Drake University, where she teaches courses in ·writing, autobiography, fiction, and critical theory. Her work is concerned with the me of cultural dissonance and the politics of representing difference in writing and teaching, The following
"Living English work." by Min-Zhan Lu - ThinkIR: The University …
2017年9月15日 · She proposes four lines of inquiry “against the grain” of English-only instruction—that living-English users weigh what English can do for them against what it has …
Min-zhan Lu - Semantic Scholar
2011年1月1日 · Semantic Scholar profile for Min-zhan Lu, with 73 highly influential citations and 38 scientific research papers.
Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner, thirty year NCTE veterans, have co-authored numerous journal articles and book chapters, including “Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach,” co-authored with Jacqueline Jones Royster and John Trimbur, and “Translingual Literacy, Language Difference, and Matters of Agency” (CE 2013).
Language difference in writing : toward a translingual approach.
2016年9月2日 · They call for a translingual approach, which they define as seeing difference in language not as a barrier to overcome or as a problem to manage, but as a resource for producing meaning in writing, speaking, reading, and listening. This article was originally published in College English, Volume 73, Number 3, January 2011.
Lu and Horner. Introduction: Translingual Work. CE, Jan. 2016.
2016年2月28日 · In their Introduction to the symposium on translingualism in the January, 2016, issue of College English, Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner address the complexities of defining and implementing a translingual pedagogy. The Introduction previews the contributions of the participants, who were among those invited after a “conversation among four of ...