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Re: Lucas R47 headlamps, c.1929-30 I really hesitate to contradict you on anything concerning lights, Stuart, but my understanding is that BA15s is a 15mm holder for bulbs with only a single non-earth connection on the base of the holder and parallel pins; BA15D is the same but with 2 non-earth pins on the base of the holder, a BA15d with ...
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
Keep an eye out for Lucas R47. They have a main beam and separate pilot light. They come up on eBay occasionally - I think that Tony Betts had a nice nickel plated pair but they are probably now sold. There are some reproductions on the Internet. I can't vouch for the quality, but from memory they used to be about £400-500.
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum. As announced earlier, this forum with it's respective web address will go offline within the next days!
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
Good evening Olly. Previous correspondents are correct in identifying Lucas R47's as the correct headlamps for your car. I have been restoring and making them for many years, if you are interested give me a call on 01785 850916 to discuss. Regards from the creative county Stuart. Location: Staffordshire
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
I don't think these will suit the Lucas R501 5" which has a double contact twin filemant 18/5 bulb - BA15D twin filament. They sound good for the Lucas R47 7" which has a single filament single contact bulb on a BA15S base. Tony. Location: Malvern, Melbourne, Australia.
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
Hello, Does anyone know the dimensions of the Lucas R47 headlights please. Location: North Wales
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
Is there a regulation applicable to a 1920's car that says you must have front sidelights? I never use sidelights on my chummy even though it has Lucas R47 lamps fitted with LED headlights (non dipping but set low enough to not dazzle)and 6W sidelight bulbs. I drive it with no lights or headlights, usually the latter so I can be seen.
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
It has become evident that A7's c1931/32 were fitted with R47 headlamps fitted with Lucas-Graves bulbs and glasses before the change to 35/32 lamps. I am anxious to acquire a suitable R47 reflector, this is the type that is mounted on three spring loaded 'fingers' and has a 20mm(?) bulb holder to accommodate the Lucas-Graves (Bosch blue spot) bulb.
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
YC4818 with late 1928 nickel rad but scuttle headlamps. My AD tourer YC5012 is registered feb 1929 and has Lucas R47 headlamps.
Welcome to the Austin Seven Friends web site and forum
You beat me to it Ian re the Ulster quip. Curiously it retains the original windscreen frame which is nearly always replaced with the later one and the Lucas R47 headlamps, but then I suppose they would come in for the Ulster replica/copy/evocation nonsense. Location: Stretham, Ely