what is lucency on xrays? - HealthTap
2017年6月26日 · Describes a finding: In terms of x-ray exams, the term "lucency" is used to describe areas that are more dark (less opaque/white). "lucency" is a word used to report a …
what does it mean when a radiologist writes "lucency is
2014年8月23日 · Lucency is when : The area of the bone is darker in color. Keep in mind bone is white. So a lucency or dark color would indicate a lack of bone in that area. Sometimes, it …
what could lucency mean on an xray? - HealthTap
2020年6月13日 · Less dense: Lucency means an area on the xray is less dense than is typical. What it may be depends on where it is and exactly what it looks like. In the lung, it could be a …
radiologist wrote- lucency in distal fibula doubtful signifance (left ...
2014年4月11日 · What does it mean when a radiologist writes "Lucency is noted in the distal fibula doubtful significance"? Our 9 year olds ankle X-ray showed accessory ossification …
my ankle xray 8mm lucency in medial talar dome consistent with ...
2014年5月18日 · My ankle xray 8mm lucency in medial talar dome consistent with osteochondral lesion. enthesophyte at posterior aspect of the calcaneus, means what? A doctor has provided …
lucency extended obliquely through the distal fibula favored to be ...
2017年2月15日 · Lucency extended obliquely through the distal fibula favored to be projectional, what does that mean?
what is subtle lucency - HealthTap
what are some more subtle symptoms of celiac disease in children?: Belly aches: There are many ... Abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, bl
increased lucency of upper lung zones - HealthTap
My x-ray findings that tiny densities are noted in right upper zone,suggestive of old exposure to infection,lung fields are clear,normal cardiac and mediastinal contours.what does it …
linear lucency - HealthTap
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Can there still be some degree of lucency on xrays after
2013年8月27日 · Sometime: Once fracture completely healed usually lucent residual line except for some instances. Some times with separated fracture fra