Dryad Luco | Seiyapedia | Fandom
Luco's ability to use plants and lily flowers coincides with his Dryad title, due to dryads being able to control plant life. Luco's ability to cure all illness reflects the story of the nymph Oenone, the first wife of the prince Paris of Troy.
Luco de la Dryade — SaintSeiyaPedia
Luco de la Dryade (天立星 ドリュアスのルコ - tenritsusei doryuasu no ruco) est le frère cadet de Lugonis des Poissons. Cet homme à la réputation de guérisseur miraculeux s'éveille en tant que Spectre et combat Albafica des Poissons. Ce personnage n'apparaît que dans Saint Seiya ~ The Lost Canvas. Autres noms possibles
Luco Dryad (Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - MyAnimeList.net
Luco Dryad (ドリュアス ルコ) Pisces Rugonis' younger brother and Pefko's master. Luco dedicated his entire life to create a medicine capable to cure Rugonis' poison blood. When Rugonis died, Luco lost his entire will, but thanks to Pefko, he found a new meaning to live. One day, Pefko fell with a terrible illness, that even Luco couldn't ...
List of Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas – Anecdotes characters
Later on, the boy Pefko reveals to Albafica the true reason behind his trek to Sanctuary: Luco is no longer the kind master he knew and is secretly concocting herb brews from the Underworld that transform people into servants of Hades. Realizing Pefko's betrayal, Luco reveals himself as the Dryad Specter to Albafica.
List of Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas characters - Wikipedia
In Chapter: Pisces, Luco is shown to have control over nature ("trees, herbs and flowers", in the Specter's words), claiming that everything is part of him as a Dryad, and he is able to take over Albafica's roses, drastically enlarge their thorns and manipulate them against the Gold Saint with his technique Curse of Lily (カース・オブ ...
Luco de Dríade | Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Luco de Dríade é o Espectro da "Estrela Celeste da Ascensão" em The Lost Canvas. Aparece na História Solo de Albafica. É o irmão gêmeo mais novo do Cavaleiro de Ouro Rugonis de Peixes. Estrela...
Dryad Luco - Anime-Planet
So lonely... Be the first to give this character some love (or hate!) Anime-Planet is run by fans, for fans. Support us on Patreon. Learn about more ways to support ...
Luco de Dryas | Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Luco, del latín Lucus, significa "bosque" o selva de árboles cerrados y espesos. En la mitología griega, Dryas era el hijo del rey Licurgo, rey de los edones en Tracia. Fue asesinado cuando Licurgo enloqueció y lo confundió con un tronco de hiedra, una planta sagrada para el dios Dioniso, cuyo culto Licurgo estaba tratando de extirpar.
Luco de la Dryade | Wiki | La Planète De L'imaginaire ️ Amino
Informations générales -Prénom : Luco -Nom : -Surnom : Luco de la Dryade de l'étoile Celeste Princ
Luco de Driade by Cerberus-rack on DeviantArt
2018年2月7日 · One of the patreons demand totens. I maked it months ago.... PS.: the vector of the specters was made by Tident/Poseidon
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