Guan-Chun Luh - Google 學術搜尋 - Google Scholar
V Krishnaswami, G Luh, G Rizzoni. Control Engineering Practice 3 (10), 1385-1392, 1995. 94: 1995: Optimal design of truss structures using ant algorithm. GC Luh, CY Lin. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 36 (4), 365-379, 2008. 92: 2008: Multi-modal topological optimization of structure using immune algorithm.
肿瘤标志物科普系列---胃泌素17(G17) - 知乎专栏
以胃泌素17作为核心指标的人体血清胃功能检测,属于一项无创、无痛且安全、经济的人体胃病常用检测方法。 这种检测项目可以有效地减少胃癌患病风险,大幅度地提高胃癌疾病的早诊以及早治概率,对于各种胃病的预防和治疗都具有重要的积极意义。 当人体内胃泌素17处于低值状态时,通常提示患者的胃部存在一些高酸的状况。 而当胃泌素17处于高值状态时,则提示患者的胃内部存在一些炎症,患者可能表现出一些高胃泌素血症的发病症状。 这种情况可能跟幽门螺旋杆菌感 …
大同大學教師資料 - ttu.edu.tw
Guan-Chun Luh, Heng-An Lin, Yi-Hsiang Ma, Chien-Jung Yen(2015). Intuitive Muscle-Gesture based Robot Navigation Control Using Wearable Gesture Armband . Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
胃泌素17(G17)的生物学功能及临床诊断意义. 胃泌素(gastrin,GAS)是主要由胃窦G细胞合成的一种肽类激素,其释放进入血液循环后,刺激胃壁细胞分泌盐酸。
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Luciene Garcia (@luh_g17) • Instagram photos and videos
0 Followers, 3,059 Following, 256 Posts - Luciene Garcia (@luh_g17) on Instagram: "Não me arrependo de nada do que fiz, so me arrependo de ter deixado algumas coisas sem fazer,...mas nunca é tarde."
Kyle Luh - Google Scholar
How fast do quantum walks mix? 2019 IEEE 60th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS …
Microscopic theory of colour in lutetium hydride - Nature
2023年11月14日 · Here, we present a full microscopic theory of colour in lutetium hydride, revealing that hydrogen-deficient LuH 2 is the only phase which exhibits colour changes under pressure consistent with...
Microstructure and structural modulation of lutetium dihydride LuH …
2024年5月1日 · In this paper, a systematic microscopic characterization of LuH 2 synthesized under atmospheric pressure (AP-LuH 2) and nitrogen-doped LuH 2 synthesized under high pressure (HP-LuH 2) have performed using STEM.
G 17 by Luh Pain - BandLab
G 17 Other . 19. Luh Pain · Jul 27 ... Please use maximum 1024 characters. Send. No comments yet. Be the first to comment! Luh Pain. @pain_child . Tap In Fye shi Only. Follow.
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