外來詞-附錄 -教育部臺灣台語常用詞辭典
hoo-lú-bóng 音讀: 播放音讀hoo-lú-bóng: 釋義: 荷爾蒙。源自日語ホルモン(horumon)。
(9)luh4-用臺灣台語查詞目 -教育部臺灣台語常用詞辭典
形容人或事物粗俗、不入流。 旅社。 旅館。 提供旅客住宿的地方。 味噌。 用黃豆發酵所製成的醬。 拔釘子的器具。 源自日語バール (baaru)。 方向盤。 源自日語ハンドル (handoru)。 飯店 …
Land Use Harmonization
The goal of the Land-Use Harmonization (LUH2) project is to prepare a harmonized set of land-use scenarios that smoothly connects the historical reconstructions of land-use with the future …
Class Hat Walkthrough | EverQuest 2 Forums - Daybreak Game …
2006年3月7日 · Starter NPC: Hoo'Luh This quest starts in Barren Sky. Take the Cloud Porter from Whisperwind to Isle of Discord get off Invis and run to the the right to the large Chain. Climb all …
失控的台語課 - #HL11 我是附錄爾爾 (11) ──「機車」臺語專業術 …
[序九] 日源臺語的〔不送氣 / 送氣〕聲母,〔p- / ph-〕、〔t- / th-〕、〔k- / kh-〕,常有自由變體,如「旅館」,〔hoo-té-luh〕、〔hoo-thé-luh〕都有人說。以下擇一表記。
iTaigi 愛台語
iTaigi愛台語-群眾台語辭典是 g0v 零時政府 專案「萌典」的延伸專案,想知道一個詞的台語怎麼說,來這裡查就對了! 甚麼都可以查,但不一定查得到,查不到時可以發問,或者自己發明台 …
Help:Pronunciation respelling key - Wikipedia
When /ju (ː)/ or /jʊər/ begins a syllable (e.g. "youth", "Europe", "value"), use yoo (r)—unless it is subject to yod-dropping or yod-coalescence: "Lithuania" LITH-ew-AY-nee-ə. ^ a b /aɪ/ is …
Tyler | Hooluhgn | Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch - Linktree
View Hooluhgn’s Linktree to discover and stream music from top platforms like YouTube, Spotify here. Your next favorite track is just a click away!
Guide to Saying “Les Houches” in Different Contexts
2021年12月17日 · Here’s how to say “Les Houches” in an informal setting: Begin by pronouncing the first syllable “Les” as “Luh” similar to “love” but with a shorter “uh” sound. Pronounce the …
hoo-té-luh: hoo-té-luh 高雄混合腔: hoo-té-luh: hoo-té-luh 旅社: lí-siā 旅館: lí-kuán 金門偏泉腔: 客棧: kheh-tsàn 馬公偏泉腔: 客棧: kheh-tsàn 旅社: lú-siā 新竹偏泉腔: 旅社: lír-siā 販仔間: huàn …
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DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any
Lahuri - Name Meaning and Pronunciation - Ask Oracle
Lahuri is a Unisex Name pronounced as luh-HOO-ree and means from Lahore. The name Lahuri originates from the Punjabi language and is derived from the city of Lahore in Pakistan.
失控的台語課 - #HL11 我是附錄爾爾 (11) ──「機車」臺語專業術 …
[序九] 日源臺語的〔不送氣 / 送氣〕聲母,〔p- / ph-〕、〔t- / th-〕、〔k- / kh- 〕,常有自由變體,如「旅館」,〔hoo-té- luh〕、〔hoo-thé-luh〕都有人說。以下擇一表記。
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Retro Junk
Ace Ventura: "Alllll righty then!" Ace: "Luh-hoo.. za-her..." Ace Ventura: "Like a glove!" Al Zimmer: "You and I belong to another era, George. The world is talking now. People want new faces, …
What is Luh? - Answers
2024年12月7日 · "Luh" is a slang term commonly used to express affection or endearment towards someone or something. It's basically a shorthand way of saying "love" without putting …
On the Wing: Call of the Wilderness | The East Hampton Star
2023年12月7日 · It’s 2008, and I’m reading “One Morning in Maine” by Robert McCloskey to my 4-year-old daughter. The protagonist, a 10-year-old girl named Sal, slips on some seaweed. A …
Language Log » How things have changed…
2009年11月21日 · Certainly when I saw Ace Ventura I recognized it rather than regarding it as an innovation; the new bit was the exaggerated drawn-out "luh-hoo-oo-oo-ser" pronunciation. …
Title: Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Area - Placer Co. Unincorporated LRA Author: Office of the State Fire Marshal Subject
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