The official website of artist Luis Royo where you can find all the information related to the artist, events, products, original and limited work..
Gallery of some works by Luis Royo. Dead Moon, Malefic, III Millennium, Malefic Time, Unpublished Works... and many more
Luis Royo - Wikipedia
Luis Royo (born 1954) is a Spanish artist. He is best known for his fantasy illustrations published in numerous art books, [ 1 ] magazines such as Heavy Metal [ 2 ] and various other media …
Luis Royo is a Spanish artist, born in Olalla (Teruel) in 1954. He has produced paintings for his own books and exhibitions, and his work is found in many different media: Videogames, Role …
Luis Royo - Laberinto Gris
Luis Royo was born in Olalla, Teruel (Spain). He began to exhibit his paintings in 1972 and to publish his comic work in magazines such as 1984, Rambla, El Víbora and Heavy Metal in …
Luis Royo - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Art and Graphics
Luis Royo (born 1954) is a Spanish artist. He is best known for his fantasy illustrations published in numerous art books, magazines such as Heavy Metal and various other media including …
西方幻想类插画大师系列(二) 刘易斯.罗佑 Luis Royo - 哔哩哔哩
刘易斯.罗佑 Luis Royo,1954年出生于西班牙北部一个叫Olalla的小镇,少年时就受到法国漫画家恩奇.毕拉尔(Enki Bilal)的影响,对幻想插画非常感兴趣,他最初的工作是家具设计师,到 …
Artists, Biography of Luis Royo and Romulo Royo - Laberinto Gris
Luis Royo. Throughout his long career, Luis Royo has exhibited his work at art shows and galleries in France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Russia and the USA.
Luis Royo - Artnet
View Luis Royo’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Price Database
luis ROYO | illustrator - ala-website
Luis Royo is a prolific Spanish artist best known for his lush fantasy illustrations. Over 30 books of his collected art have been published including Women, Dead Moon, Visions, and the Malefic …