Preaching Outline for Luke Chapter Sixteen
2024年1月30日 · In Luke chapter sixteen, Jesus narrates the intriguing Parable of the Unjust Steward, a complex narrative dealing with themes of prudence, worldly wisdom, and the …
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Luke 16:1-13, Integrity: A Matter of Being and Doing
2021年8月15日 · The sermon text for this Lord’s Day is Luke 16:1-13. It contains the most puzzling parable that Jesus told: the parable of the “unjust steward.” We will retell the story but …
“Faithful Stewards” (Sermon on Luke 16:1-15, by Pr. Charles …
2016年9月17日 · “Faithful Stewards” (Luke 16:1-15) In the Gospel for today, Jesus tells the Parable of the Dishonest Manager. This story is also known as the Parable of the Unrighteous …
The Gospel of Luke | How to Justify Yourself – Luke 16:14-18
2024年8月11日 · Pastor Steve Heron preaches from Luke 16:14-18. The Pharisees heard Jesus loud and clear. You can’t serve God and money. They ridicule the absolute polarity of Jesus’ …
Be faithful in the little things. Luke 16:10 - Christian teaching
2015年8月18日 · Our title this morning is “Be faithful in the little things.” We are looking at a principle that Jesus teaches and how he applies it to two different areas of our lives. The …
BACKGROUND - 18 September 2016 (Reading: Luke 16:1-13) I found the key to interpretation of this difficult passage in its wider Jewish context of the first century Mediterranean world. Let …
Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13 Teaching Outline)
2014年7月3日 · In order to understand what Jesus wants us to learn from this parable, we will examine the passage under two primary headings: 1) the assertion of the parable, and 2) the …
Why did Jesus tell this well-known parable? The answer might be found in Luke 16:13-15: “’No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be …
Luke 16:1-13 - Sermon Writer
Luke 16:1-13 EXEGESIS: LUKE 16:1-13. THE PARABLE OF THE DISHONEST STEWARD. All of Jesus’ parables are challenging, but this is surely the most challenging. However, if we …