S5 Full Frame Mirrorless Camera + 20-60mm F3.5-5.6 Lens
The Panasonic Lumix S 20-60mm f/3.5-5.6 is a sleek, versatile lens designed for full-frame L-mount mirrorless cameras. It features a unique zoom covering ultra-wide to short portrait-length fields of view.
S5 Full Frame Mirrorless Camera Body - Official Panasonic Store
LUMIX S5 is a hybrid full-frame mirrorless camera ideal for content creators. With a 24.2MP 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor, it further realizes recording maximum ISO51200 crystal-clear high sensitivity video with the use of Dual Native ISO technology for unlimited internal recording in 4K 30p/25p 4:2:0 8-bit thanks to exceptional heat dispersion ...
DC-S5GK-K全画幅无反相机 - 松下家电-官网
LUMIX S5 是为注重质量的内容创建者而设计,该机器符合人体工程学,可在灵敏度范围内提供卓越图像质量的照片和视频。 插槽 1:兼容 UHS-I/UHS-II UHS 速度等级 3 标准 SDHC/SDXC 存储卡和 UHS-II 视频速度等级 90 标准 SDXC 存储卡。 插槽 2:兼容 UHS-I UHS 速度等级 3 标准 SDHC/SDXC 存储卡。 6000x4000(L)/ 4272x2848(M)/ 3024x2016(S)/ 12000x8000(XL)* / 8496x5664(LL)* *高分辨率模式。 5328x4000(L)/ …
入门全幅搅局者 松下LUMIX S5评测 - 无忌器材
2020年9月7日 · 按照松下的说法,LUMIX S5是将LUMIX S1系列静态和视频性能凝聚到GH5相近的高便携机身中。 如果我们简单将LUMIX S5理解成LUMIX S1的缩小简化版,这种概括并不准确,LUMIX S5拥有比LUMIX S1更高的内录视频规格:4K 60p 4:2:0 10bit、FHD 180fps变速。 那么LUMIX S5与LUMIX S1之间有哪些异同,LUMIX S5又有哪些优势? 下面笔者将LUMIX S5与LUMIX S1(升级秘钥固件后)的参数进行一番比较: 规格对比(点击查看大图)
Panasonic S5 Lumix DC-S5 Mirrorless Digital Camera | B&H - B&H Photo …
Well-rounded, lightweight, and sleek, the Panasonic Lumix S5 meshes capable video and photo capabilities with a portable body design. Featuring a full-frame 24.2MP CMOS sensor, the S5 is distinguished by its UHD 4K60 10-bit internal recording, …
Panasonic LUMIX S5 Full Frame Mirrorless Camera, 4K 60P Video …
LUMIX S5 is a hybrid full-frame mirrorless camera that achieves both excellent performance in photo/video in a compact body designed for aspirational content creators.
LUMIX DC-S5 Mirrorless Full Frame 10 Bit Camera - Panasonic
Perfect for hybrid shooting, the LUMIX DC-S5 full frame 10 bit camera gives you all the flexibility you need, featuring raw video output settings, dual I.S. and more.
【松下Lumix S5】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Panasonic Lumix S5,DC …
松下Panasonic LUMIX G85微单/无反M43数码相机是一款非常适合学生入门以及旅游拍照自拍的相机。 它具备五轴防抖功能,让你拍摄照片或录制4K视频时能有效减少因手抖造成的画面模糊。
Panasonic Lumix S5 IIX Mirrorless Camera with Lumix S 20-60mm f/3.5-5…
A unique zoom covering ultra-wide to short portrait-length fields of view, the Panasonic Lumix S 20-60mm f/3.5-5.6 is a sleek and versatile lens designed for full-frame L-mount mirrorless cameras. Benefitting from a new sensor design and an updated processing engine with L2 technology, the S5 IIX is the first Lumix camera to offer Phase Hybrid ...
Panasonic Lumix DC-S5 review: Digital Photography Review
2021年3月11日 · The Panasonic Lumix DC-S5 is the company's most portable full-frame stills/video hybrid camera. Read our in-depth review to see how it stacks up against the competition.