Panasonic Lumix DC-G100/G110 review - Digital Photography …
2021年5月3日 · The Panasonic Lumix G100 is a 20MP Micro Four Thirds mirrorless camera designed explicitly for vloggers and content creators. It features a 'tracking' audio system that works in conjunction with the camera's face detection system and a flip-out screen that, by default, engages several easy-to-use modes.
M43无反相机DC-G100K/G100DK - 松下家电-官网
这个小巧的机器可满足您的多个需求。 高质量的4K/30p和. FHD/60p视频。 简单的智能手机连接功能(G100DK为Type-C接口连接)。 创意功能。 可以随时随地使用! 只需大胆行走,不必担心摇晃。 ·仅限视频录制。 4轴补偿在4K视频录制中可用。 内部麦克风特有来自Noka的OZO音频功能。 通过人脸识别,自动调整录音范围和方向,无需外置麦克风就能获得令人叹服的音频。 视频自拍模式很管用。 当您自拍时,它会自动对焦您的面部和背景。 用酷炫的效果来表达自己! 在FHD …
如何评价 2020 年 6 月 24 日发布的松下 LUMIX G100 相机? - 知乎
LUMIX G100支持以30p / 25p/24p拍摄 4K MP4视频(连续录制时间超过10分钟时,录制停止)以及60p / 50p全高清视频。 各位看官,看到这种性能参数与续航能力,觉得尴尬么?
Panasonic LUMIX G100 Mirrorless Camera with 12-32mm F3.5-5.6 Lens - DC-G100
Built for content creators, the LUMIX G100D has smooth, high-resolution QFHD 4K 24p/30p videos in 3840x2160 resolution and FHD at 60p. A 3-in free-angle touch rear monitor and advanced I.S. ensures clear walk-and-talk; Frame Marker …
Panasonic LUMIX G100 4k Mirrorless Camera for Photo and …
With exceptional performance and versatility, the LUMIX G100 captures life in crystal-clear 4K photo, 4K 24p 30p video, and advanced audio. Shoot, Transfer, Edit, Share: Features guide you at every step—frame marker for social media aspect ratios; facial recognition; blur-free dual image stabilization and V-Log L recording.
Panasonic Lumix G100 review - Stuff
2021年10月25日 · Panasonic claims the G100 is the world’s smallest mirrorless camera (yay!) with a free-angle LCD (slightly quieter yay!). Caveats aside, it’s definitely compact and lightweight enough to fit easily into any aspiring vlogger’s ‘daily carry’, and still manages to find room for not just that front-flipping screen but a 3.7-million dot ...
Panasonic LUMIX G100 Mirrorless Camera, Lightweight, for …
A Real Camera for Real Life: Trust your memories to a camera, not a phone. The exceptional performance and portability of the LUMIX G100 lets you capture fleeting moments in crystal-clear 4K photo and video
LUMIX G100 - Panasonic
Discover Panasonic’s latest mirrorless camera, the LUMIX G100. Designed specially for vloggers and content creators, the G100 combines high image quality and advanced OZO Audio sound to enhance your video experience.
松下Lumix G100评测:Vloger的进阶,专业摄影的敲门砖 | 钛极客
2020年8月25日 · 初次上手,对于玩惯了全画幅的玩家而言,机身真的可以称得上是迷你了,搭配上12-32mm/F3.5-5.6 O.I.S镜头,Lumix G100的体积保持在115.6x82.5x54.2mm,随手装进一个…
lumix g100 - Best Buy
Panasonic - LUMIX G100 Mirrorless Camera for Photo, 4K Video and Vlogging, 12-32mm Lens, Tripod Grip Bundle – DC-G100VK - Black User rating, 4.3 out of 5 stars with 19 reviews. (19)