LUMMA Design GmbH & Co. KG - Fahrzeugveredelung
Car refiners LUMMA Design GmbH & Co. KG have given their current Audi Q8 customisation programme a new makeover with newly designed body components, 24-inch alloy wheel rims and a whole ... Take the chance and buy low-priced car parts that we replaced at our conversions.
CLR RS 2023 - LUMMA Design GmbH & Co. KG
LUMMA Design individualizes the Land Rover Defender Type L663 to become a muscle-bound off-road athlete, once again reaffirming its claim as the top dog in the league of exclusive SUV refiners. Strikingly designed aerodynamic components and matching alloy wheels form the basis, high quality accessories and stylish interior fittings complete the ...
Home Page | Lumma Design
Lumma Design is a luxury brand for a variety of luxury cars. Offering exclusive styling and performance to enhance the look of your car. We are the UK distributor and fitter for all Lumma styling and performance parts.
LUMMA - 百度百科
LUMMA Design(虏曼)是德国汽车定制改装品牌,创立于1987年,创始人Horst Lumma,主要生产定制改装车 [1] 。德国LUMMA汽车公司是个性化汽车生产商。为满足客户的需求,是定制改装 厂商之一 [1] 。
品牌篇:LUMMA的价值主张与稀缺性 - 汽车之家
2024年11月1日 · 在高端汽车市场上,lumma design始终以大胆创新、独特设计和卓越性能而闻名。ra改装车协会会长秦国先生来到位于杭州的lumma中国总部,对话lumma中国总经理陈海兵先生,带我们深入了解lumma在品牌、价值和产品等维度上的独特见解,揭开品牌背后的非凡魅力。
新车 | 68.8万元/福特烈马改装版/开放式车身,LUMMA GT35捍卫 …
2024年8月30日 · lumma虏曼是高端豪华汽车定制改装品牌,此前中国市场已有lumma clr v(奔驰v级)、lumma clr ld(路虎卫士)、lumma clr x7(宝马x7)、lumma clr g770(奔驰g级)等车型上市销售。
LUMMA-vehicle: CLR RS - LUMMA Design
You can download this vehicle directly to your phone and take it. A QR-Code-scanner for your smartphone or tablet and a mobile internet-connection is required. Hereby costs can arise. Just click on the pictures for XXL-view. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or individual consultation. contact support.
LUMMA-2025最新汽车之家报价[价格 配置 车型 系列图片 口碑 销 …
LUMMA Design是德国汽车定制改装品牌,创立于1987年,创始人Horst Lumma,主要生产定制改装车,主要为奔驰、宝马、路虎、保时捷、宾利、兰博基尼为基础提供LUMMA版个性化定制车型。
LUMMA Design(虏曼)是德国汽车定制改装品牌,创立于1987年,创始人Horst Lumma,主要生产定制改装车。 德国LUMMA汽车公司是性化汽车生产商。 为满足客户的需求,是定制改装厂商之一。