Lunar Vow: Crimson Love - Official Honkai Impact 3 Wiki
Lunar Vow: Crimson Love is a playable battlesuit in Honkai Impact 3. Fragments - manually unlockable once Lunar Vow: Crimson Love Fragment ×80 are obtained. The unlock option can be accessed by...
v7.0 Beta Lunar Vow Elysian Realm Guide Honkai Impact 3rd
2023年10月24日 · Hello and welcome to another Elysian Realm Guide featuring newest addition to the roster,Lunar Vow:Crimson Love also known as Luna,for non ER guide check Luna GuideLunaWe are going...
Honkai Impact 3rd: Lunar Vow Crimson Love Guide - Game Rant
2023年11月1日 · Honkai Impact 3rd recently released the newest S-Rank battlesuit, Lunar Vow: Crimson Love. For the sake of this guide, the battlesuit's name will be shortened to just Lunar Vow. Lunar Vow is...
崩坏3rd:月之誓言赤爱极乐世界指南 - AMK Station China
2023年11月2日 · 本指南将展示如何在极乐世界模式中使用月之誓言:猩红之爱,包括最适合她的游戏风格的图章和印记。 在极乐世界中玩月誓赤爱时需要记住的一些重要事项是,玩家应该尽可能使用她的终极能力,并使用所持武器的主动能力来恢复她的咬痕条。 如果玩家想了解更多关于 月之誓赤之恋的 信息,比如哪些武器和圣痕最适合她,请点击这里获取专门的战斗服指南! 为了开始使用月之誓言赤爱的极乐世界,玩家需要装备 伪奇迹 作为他们的通用纪念印记。 伪奇迹将 …
v7.0 Re: Promise to Luna Update Announcement
2023年10月26日 · New S-rank battlesuit Lunar Vow: Crimson Love is a PSY-type battlesuit dealing Lightning DMG and Bleeding enemies. To rescue the dearest presence in her life, she brandishes a chainsaw with razor-sharp fangs in battle and relentlessly pursues her enemies beneath the blood moon.
Honkai Impact 3 Official Site - Fight for All That is Beautiful in the ...
2023年10月9日 · Lunar Vow: Crimson Love is a PSY-type battlesuit dealing Lightning DMG and Bleeding enemies. To rescue the dearest presence in her life, she brandishes a chainsaw with razor-sharp fangs and relentlessly pursues her enemies beneath the blood moon.
Lunar Vow: Crimson Love Tutorial Video EX - Honkai Impact 3rd
New S-rank PSY-type Lightning DMG battlesuit Lunar Vow: Crimson Love debuts!"Love demands nothing, offering only itself."For this young vampire girl, the ult...
Lunar Vow: Crimson Love/Outfit - Official Honkai Impact 3 Wiki
Lunar Vow: Crimson Love is an outfit in Honkai Impact 3rd. It shares its name with the battlesuit that unlocks it. Unlock Lunar Vow: Crimson Love.
v7.0 Luna Vow: Crimson Love Valkyrie Guide - HoYoLAB
2023年10月25日 · Luna is a Lightning Type Damage Dealer and Bleed Support wielding the Cross Weapon. She can quickly inflict Bleed Trauma on enemies and deal high Lightning Damage too via hitting enemies with her Chainsaw. Luna can be used in teams as a Lightning DPS or as a Bleed Support in certain Superstring Dimension weathers.
Lunar Vow: Crimson Love
2023年10月26日 · One of the strongest Part 1 valks when fully geared. Luna's attacks count as Bleed DMG, so she can benefit from both Bleed and Lightning buffs. As a Part 1 Lightning support, Luna provides Elemental Breach, sp regen and contributes team dmg herself. Only use your crystal to pull Part 2 valkyries, since they use a new Astral Ring system.