Luna - Zero Escape Wiki
GTF-DM-L-016, also known as Luna, is a kind and intelligent young "woman" forced to play the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition in Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward.
Diana - Zero Escape Wiki
Luna, a GAULEM that is based on Diana, has the product ID GTF-DM-L-016. The DM means "Diana Model". Diana is the name of the Roman goddess of the moon, referencing her eventual counterpart, Luna. Diana named her daughter after her daughter.
Sigma Klim - Zero Escape Wiki
Luna asks if Sigma is a robot, due to his knowledge of the garden and the white liquid from Sigma's cut. She tells him about Artificial Biological Tissue and how it can make robots look like humans. She also tells him about the three laws of robotics.
天明寺淳平 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
天明寺 淳平 (Tenmyouji Junpei)是由 打越钢太郎 担任编剧的 Spike Chunsoft 旗下游戏《极限脱出》及其衍生作品的登场角色,在《极限脱出:9小时9人9门》中首次登场。 系列三部(即《极限脱出:9小时9人9扇门》(999)、《极限脱出:善人死亡》(VLR)、《极限脱出:零时困境》(ZTD))中均有出场。 (特指999) 游戏里你最能相信的一个人,原因的话,因为他是主角! 他将会成为玩家的分身,随着玩家操纵他的选择(即选择的门),他们会一起推进故事的发展 …
Unanswered Questions *MAJOR SPOILERS* :: Zero Escape: Zero …
2016年7月4日 · #2: Three years are in VLR timeline, not in twins timeline. They spend 3 years living on the Moon after ZTD in case of Radical-6 outbreak. Then Diana died because of gravitation problem and it's at this time epilogue take place. I'm more interested in twins end as how can they thought 1904 Germany will be a good idea?
分享|对流层延迟、电离层延迟、重力数据下载方式_code提供的对 …
2024年5月27日 · NASA的空间测量数据档案,产品包括300s分辨率的天顶路径延迟(ZPD)估计,IGS网络中有350多个GNSS站点按站点每天提供文件数据。 同时还包括GNSS观测站30s分辨率的气象数据,包括温度/℃、大气压/hpa、相对湿度/%。 IGS数据中心包含了观测数据(data)和产品(products)两个数据集,data数据集里面包含了许多观测文件,其中m文件即为气象观测文件;products数据集也包含了很多产品数据,各测站的ZPD值位于troposphere子数据集中。 提 …
Ok, Phi... (major spoilers) - Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
He did build Luna, so it makes sense for him to consider her a daughter. Do we consider it weird if people think their kids look like their significant other? I mean technically the kid is based...
The Blue Bird's Lament - Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Luna, for example, loves Dr. Kilm, and for what we currently know, it is a rather unrequited love. Junpei searched his whole life for Akane, only to find out that she no longer exists as the...
ZTD时间管理法则:终极简单的效率系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Ztd ( Zen TO Do)是基于GTD系统设定的一套更加简单,注重高效、行动的收集信息和规划行动的方法。 全面收集 你要做的事情,全面收集的关键在于你必需在忘记事情之前赶紧把信息写下来, 并且尽快地把这些信息从笔记本中清除、存入任务清单中。 简单记录,分门别类你所要做的事情。 选好你的 记录工具,就马上开始记录,并且要记得要简单。 花30天养成每天查看任务列表的 习惯, 每天查看 你的列表也是很重要的部分。 每周开头,列下你需要完成的重大事件(4-6件起 …
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