Luneth - Final Fantasy Wiki
Luneth is the main protagonist in the 3D remake of Final Fantasy III, and the first character to become available. He is one of the Warriors of Light. Luneth has long silver hair (blond in pre-release screenshots ) and violet eyes. His Freelancer outfit is a light purple turtleneck covered by a dark violet sweatshirt and a sienna vest.
Luneth - Final Fantasy Wiki, the Final Fantasy encyclopedia
Luneth is one of the 4 party members in the remake of Final Fantasy III and the first party member. Luneth was one of the four children rescued from the lowerworld by Cid Haze as it was frozen in darkness. He was subsequently taken to the Floating Continent and raised in Ur alongside his childhood friend Arc.
Final Fantasy III - Wikipedia
Final Fantasy III[a] is a 1990 role-playing video game developed and published by Square for the Family Computer. The third installment in the Final Fantasy series, it is the first numbered Final Fantasy game to feature the job-change system. The story revolves around four orphaned youths drawn to a crystal of light.
最终幻想III - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《最終幻想III》 (日语:ファイナルファンタジーIII,英语:Final Fantasy III,台港译「太空战士 III」) 是由 史克威爾 開發,並於1990年在 FC遊戲機 平臺發行的 電子角色扮演遊戲,遊戲是 最終幻想系列 的第三部作品。 本作是第一部使用職業轉換系統的最終幻想遊戲,也是 Final Fantasy系列 中第一部在最初版本即取得百萬以上銷量的作品。 故事主角是受光之水晶引導的四個孤兒青年。 水晶将自己的力量給了他們,並指示他們恢復世界的平衡。 虽然他们不知道水晶话语的含 …
Ur - Final Fantasy Wiki
Ur is the hometown of Luneth and Arc in the 3D version of Final Fantasy III and is the first town visited. Located on the Floating Continent, it is a small town located on a valley north of Kazus and east of Sasune. An HP/MP spring and revivification spring can …
最终幻想3DS(Final Fantasy III DS)(FF3DS) - ffsky.cn
在深山里的村子乌 (ウル|Ur)被长老托帕帕 (トパパ|Topapa)养育的4名青年。 一次意想不到的遭遇让4人从水晶处获得了光之战士的称号。 在复刻的NDS版中,4人被赋予了以下的名字与性格。 被长老托帕帕抚养长大的孤儿。 喜欢积极思考,拥有旺盛好奇心。 总是口无遮拦、喜欢演讲的他是队伍中的领导和气氛制造者。 无论何时都能够积极的鼓舞同伴,同时也是一个说到做到的人。 鲁内斯儿时的玩伴,和鲁内斯一起被长老托帕帕抚养成人。 喜欢思考,同时拥有自己无法迈出 …
Luneth - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
A young boy hailing from another world where tales are passed down of the Crystals and the Warriors of Light. Like Arc, Luneth is an orphan raised by Elder Topapa in the village of Ur. A very active boy with a strong sense of morality, he is definitely a leader type figure amongst the other...
Luneth - Fan Fiction
Luneth is the main protagonist in the 3D remake of Final Fantasy III, and the first character to become available. He is one of the Warriors of Light. In Dissidia, he's only known as the Onion Knight, a recurring character in the Final Fantasy series.
Luneth - VS Battles Wiki
Luneth is the de facto leader of the Warriors of Light in Final Fantasy III. Reckless and impulsive, he nevertheless leads the group with confidence while inspiring them with his compassion, being described as their "light of courage".
Final Fantasy: Every Main Protagonist's Age, Height & Birthday - Game Rant
2021年4月4日 · Although the main protagonist of the original release of Final Fantasy III was nameless, the game's 3D remake gives him both a canon name and a real backstory. Much like Firion, Luneth is...
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