Pulmonary cyst | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年11月8日 · A pulmonary cyst is any well-circumscribed gas-containing structure within lung parenchyma with a thin, typically regular wall. Occasionally a cyst may contain fluid or solid material instead of gas 10. The term ‘cystic’ denotes lesions with central gas attenuation contained by a wall, regardless of etiology.
Cystic Lung Disease - Differential diagnosis - The Radiology …
When you encounter something in the lung that looks like a lung cyst, you should ask yourself the following three questions: Is it truly a lung cyst or something else? Is it just an incidental finding without any clinical significance or should we consider a cystic lung disease?
Cystic lung disease | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2025年1月3日 · A lung cyst is a gas-filled structure with a thin perceptible wall, typically <2 mm in thickness but can be up to 4 mm. The diameter of a lung cyst is usually <1 cm. By conventional definition in the literature, a lung cyst can be distinguished from a cavity for which the wall thickness is greater than 4 mm.
ACR Lung-RADS v2022: Assessment Categories and Management …
2024年1月30日 · Lung-RADS v2022, released in November 2022, provides several updates including guidance on the classification and management of atypical pulmonary cysts, juxtapleural nodules, airway-centered nodules, and potentially infectious findings.
CT findings of pulmonary cysts - Clinical Radiology
2020年7月26日 · The purpose of this review is to provide a practical approach for evaluating lung cysts when encountered on CT. We describe the imaging findings of DLCD emphasising their differences in terms of shape and distribution of the cysts, as well as their association with other findings such as nodules or ground-glass opacities, which may help in ...
Isolated Cystic Lung Disease: An Algorithmic Approach to ... - AJR
2019年3月19日 · Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP) frequently present as isolated cystic lung disease and can be challenging to distinguish. If imaging findings are otherwise unremarkable, the radiologist is unaided by ancillary CT findings in narrowing the diagnosis.
Imaging Cystic Lung Disease | Current Pulmonology Reports
2019年7月16日 · CT imaging allows for characterization of lung cyst morphology, pattern, and distribution; familiarity with the imaging appearance of the most common cystic lung diseases allows for earlier identification, diagnosis, and disease management.
Cystic Lung Disease - Radiology Key
2020年10月27日 · In this chapter, we review the unique CT features of individual cystic lung diseases and provide a systematic approach to a confident radiologic diagnosis. Diffuse cystic lung diseases are rare entities. The most well-known diffuse cystic lung diseases are lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH).
Multiple Cystlike Lung Lesions in the Adult - AJR
2012年11月23日 · On chest radiographs, findings of a cyst are often subtle, consisting of lucencies and sometimes linear opacities. An air–fluid level can improve the visibility of a cyst and may suggest infection.
A Stepwise Diagnostic Approach to Cystic Lung Diseases for …
For radiologic assessment of cystic lung diseases, it is important to differentiate true lung cysts from other air-filled lung lesions in the first step of the diagnostic process. Radiologic characteristics of lung cysts, including size, wall thickness, number, location, and distribution, and the associated radiologic findings provide the most ...