Acupuncture.Com - Acupuncture Points - Liver 1
Location: On the foot, on the lateral side of the end of the great (big) toe, .1 cun from the corner of the nail. Classification: Jing-Well point of the Liver Meridian. Indications: Hernia; Enuresis; Metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, prolapse of uterus, amenorrhea; Epilepsy
LV 1 Acupuncture Point Theory - Yin Yang House
The acupuncture point "LV 1", 大敦, is represented by "Da Dun" in pinyin and "Large Pile" in english and may be found: On the lateral side of the the big toe, .1 cun from the corner of the nail. Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Liver 1 Dadun - Great Clarity - Acupuncture Points
2020年2月22日 · Liver 1, Dadun, is on your big toe by the nail. It’s the first point on the Liver acupuncture channel. Translating its name into English shows just how meanings have changed over the millennia. Liver 1’s Name – Dadun. Dadun means, according to various translations: Big Heap, or Big Mound; Also, Great Esteem and Great Honesty
Acupuncture Points On The Liver Meridian - Yin Yang House
Click to view detailed clinical information for any of the points along the liver meridian. You will find location information, relationships, clinical applications, precautions and more.
LV 1 - Chinese Medicine Wiki.org
Revives the Shen, Disperses Fire of the LV Clears the genitals of damp heat, and adjusts urination, Regulates qi in the LJ, Pain and Shan disorder (hernia) Removes obstruction of LV Qi so as to disperse oppression in the lower abdomen.
Liver Meridian Acupuncture Points (Functions & Locations)
2023年7月24日 · In this new series on acupuncture points, I cover the locations & functions of each channel. Today I look at the Liver channel and its 14 acupuncture points. My aim is to make each point easy to locate, as well as differentiate all acupuncture points’ functions. I also look at Channel pathways and how relevant they are in practice.
Dadun LIV-1 Acupuncture Point - meandqi.com
Dadun LIV-1 is the most famous point for treating Shan diseases, which is a broad category of symptoms that are under Hernial and Genitourinary disorders. They can be categorized into three groups: The Lower Burner is one of the most obvious place influenced by LIV-1.
All About The TCM Liver - AcuPro Academy
2015年9月2日 · TCM Liver Functions. The 5 Element Theory: Wood. TCM Liver Patterns Our TCM Liver gets stressed and needs a good healthy diet, as well as some great acupuncture points to soothe and relax it. Lv 3, Li 4 and Gb 34 are best to help Liver Qi Stagnation. Liver Fire always makes me think of Donald Trump, the Tasmanian Devil, and Simon Cowell! They ...
TCM Student: Lv Indication
lv 1*** stops bleeding when moxaed; treats genitourinary aspects of the LV; swollen inguinal lymph nodes; irregular menstruation; any genital inflammation; abnormal uterine bleeding from hot blood
Liver (LV) & Lung (LU) Entry/Exit blocks are found by looking at the quantitative differences between the pulses. That is a score noted between a +3 pulse down to -3 measuring strength. The pulse strengths are concentrated on in classical five element acupuncture as opposed to the qualities which are used more in TCM.