RoN支持者开发日志 (65——2023/12/1 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月3日 · lvar 游戏中的LVAR(Low Visibility Assault Rifle 低可视度突击步枪)是使用.300Blackout弹药,并内置消音器的武器。 由于使用.300Blackout这种大弹头亚音速子弹,该 …
LVAR | Ready or Not Wiki | Fandom
The LVAR is an assault rifle in Ready or Not. It is the integrally suppressed version of the MCX. A targeting laser visible to the naked eye. Ineffective at longer ranges due to projecting only a …
SIG MCX突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
“LVAR”以MCX VIRTUS作原型,內設抑制器,發射.300 Blackout子彈並具有來自LVAW型的部份特徵。 MCX發射5.56×45mm NATO子彈。 2021年—《 蔚藍檔案 》:型號為MCX VIRTUS, …
Ready Or Not: Best Assault Rifles - Game Rant
2024年4月2日 · Ready or Not offers a variety of assault rifles with unique advantages, allowing for strategic gameplay and making it one of the best tactical shooters on the market. The best …
【严阵以待】Vol.65双周通讯 — 武器与弹药系统 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月2日 · [ 游戏中的LVAR(低能见度突击步枪)] 发射.300 Blackout亚音速弹,是游戏中第一把拥有一体化消音器的武器。 .300 Blackout是一种相当大的亚音速子 …
What are your favorite weapons and why? : r/ReadyOrNotGame
LVAR, a suppressed .300 BLK assault rifle that can fit sideways through a door, allowing me to lean peek without raising the barrel.
Ready or Not Best Assault Rifles (From Worst To Best)
2023年8月22日 · If you’re playing on a map that has a lot of close quarters, you should go with an SMG or an assault rifle that’s good in CQB. But don’t worry; today I’ll be showing you and …
Ready or Not (VG) - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The "LVAR" is an integrally suppressed SIG-Sauer MCX VIRTUS SBR in .300 Blackout with some parts inspired by the SIG-Sauer MCX Low Visibility Assault Weapon (LVAW). It was added in …
[lbk]硬核整活儿向[rbk]如何在不击杀嫌犯的同时,并让它快速失能 …
no.1 lvar(.300亚音速弹) 这把武器完美符合了本帖的要求,而且无论是伤害还是穿透或又是枪械本身的手感,都可以保证目标快速失能。 被护木包裹的一体化消音将特种作战一词发挥到极 …
Best rifle? : r/ReadyOrNotGame - Reddit
2023年12月20日 · Not sure it counts as a "rifle" but I've been using mp7 religiously for like 10 missions now and it's pretty dam good. Before that I rocked the LVAR but I prefer the mp7 as …