LVSR (Logistics Vehicle System Replacement) - Oshkosh Defense
With its unmatched mobility and capacity, the high-performance Oshkosh® Defense Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) has the capacity and power to carry whatever the mission requires. The LSVR features a 22.5-ton on-road/16.5-ton off …
2015年4月29日 · LVSR MKR18 Cargo Vehicle. The unmatched mobility and multiple capabilities of the Oshkosh Defense® LVSR cargo vehicle make it critical to mission success. With a 22.5-ton (20412 kg) on-road/16.5-ton (14969 kg) off-road payload, it has the capacity to carry whatever the mission requires. And with a 600 horsepower diesel
(LVSR) system serves as the Marine Corps’ heavy logistics vehicle and transports large quantities of supplies across the battlefield. The LVSR is deployed in the Marine Logistics Group, Marine Divisions, and Marine Aircraft Wings. The LVSR includes three variants: MKR 18 Cargo, MKR 16 Tractor, and MKR 15 Wrecker.
Logistics Vehicle System Replacement - Army Technology
2011年2月27日 · The Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) is a heavy logistics vehicle developed by Oshkosh Defense for the US Marine Corps (USMC). The ten-wheel tactical vehicle replaces the 25 year-old Logistics Vehicle System (LVS) of the marine corps. The new vehicle reduces the cargo hauling load of the USMCs MTVR fleet.
Logistics Vehicle System Replacement - Wikipedia
The Logistic Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) is a family of heavy-duty military logistics vehicles of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) based on a common 5-axle ten-wheel drive (10x10) chassis. The vehicles vary in individual configuration by mission requirements, with three variants in service: a cargo, a wrecker and a tractor truck .
Logistics Vehicle System - Wikipedia
The LVS is composed of a Front Power Unit (FPU) coupled to a Rear Body Unit (RBU). The FPU can be driven on its own. When describing a truck it is remarked by the combination of both units, for example, an MK48 FPU attached to an MK18 RBU is called a "48/18".
The U.S. Marine Corps’ Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) is the next generation of heavy-payload tactical wheeled vehicles and one of the world’s most technologically-advanced logistics platforms. With three variants—cargo, wrecker and fifth-wheel—the LVSR expands on the combat-tested Logistics Vehicle System (LVS),
美国 海军陆战队10x10 LVSR 重型军用后勤车辆 - 知乎
LVSR 重型军用后勤车辆由10x10 MKR18重型卡车和 M1076 PLS T 拖板组成,是用来替换著名的 奥什科什M977 8x8重型卡车,也是一脉相承的发展,由于3等人和4等人的关系,LVSR 相当于 (HEMTT)重型扩展机动战术卡车和托盘装载系统 (PLS)。 海军陆战队不使用 HEMTT,陆军不使用 LVSR,但这两个军种都使用通用拖车 (PLS) (M1076),其实是一样的东西,但名字必须不一样... 空载 24,517 公斤,满载 44,929 公斤(装甲套件增加约 2,041 公斤)。 1. 添加驾驶室内构. 2. …
2011年6月8日 · LVSR | LOGISTICS VEHICLE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 3 Redefine mobility, maintainability and reliability for the heavy fleet. The unmatched mobility and multiple capabilities of the Oshkosh Defense® Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) make it critical to mission success. The LVSR complements the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR)
軍武新知》洛馬新款機動飛彈發射車曝光 打擊火力比海馬斯多4倍
2024年11月14日 · 美國航太大廠洛克希德.馬丁(Lockheed Martin)日前在美國陸軍未來司令部主辦的「人機整合峰會」(the Human-Machine Integration Summit IV)上,首度展示一款新型飛彈機動發射車,該儎台以美軍陸戰隊現役的MK18「後勤支援載具系統」(LVSR)為基底,至多