LVT(A)1 Amtrack - tank-afv.com
The LVT (A)-1 was an up-armored and completely modified amphibious support tank based on the LVT-2, fitted with a modified M5 light tank turret.
Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
The LVT-1 had a maximum speed of 12 mph (19 km/h) on land or 6.9 mph (11.1 km/h) in water; and a range of 210 miles (340 km) on land or 60 miles (100 km) in water. No armor or weapons were included in its design as its role was cargo transport from ship to shore.
LVT1自重7.8吨,车长6.552米,车宽2.948米,车高2.476米,可运载25人或运载2吨货物,动力装置为水冷汽油机,最大功率为120马力(后提高到150马力),陆上最大速度19千米/小时,最大行程240千米;水上最大航速10千米/小时,最大航程96千米。 对于二战时期履带式划水车辆来说,这已经是相当高的航速了。 但是,由于它采用刚性悬挂,加上发动机的功率不高,陆上行驶时的最大速度较低,这也是LVT1的重大缺点之一。 LVT1的生产总数为1 225辆。 1941年12月, 美国 …
LVT(A)-1 坦克 - 搜狗百科
2021年3月24日 · LVT (A)-1 是给登陆海滩的两栖突击车辆提供火力支援的。 在LVT基型车上安装一门M6的37mm炮(M44炮塔),两挺7.62mmM1919A4式重机枪。 1944年2月,LVT (A)-1 第一次使用,500辆两栖坦克与陆军和海军一起参加太平洋跳岛战役,他们经常与装备75mm炮的LVT (A)-4并肩战斗,许多的LVT (A)-1和LVT (A)-4加入陆军的战斗。 20世纪30年代,英、法、苏联等国家热衷于水陆坦克、水陆两用战车的研制,美国也在研制水陆两用战车。 1935年,美国工程 …
LVT(A)1 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark I) ("Water …
LVT(A)1 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark I) ("Water Buffalo," Turret Type) The armored amphibian LVT(A)1 boasted a 37mm gun and five .30 caliber machine guns.
LVT (A) (1) - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.59 "Flaming Arrows", the LVT (A) (1) is a beginner light tank under the U.S. Army ground forces. It has similar firepower to the M3 but has the unique ability to traverse across water, which most other tanks do not have.
LVT(A)1 - 50megs
2023年12月19日 · LVT(A)1 used the LVT(A)2's chassis, but with an armored superstructure over the cargo compartment. A turret with a 37mm gun and a coaxial .30cal MG was mounted on the superstructure, and two more .30cal MG mounts were emplaced on either side of the vehicle behind the turret.
Landing Vehicle Tracked | World War II Database - WW2DB
Introduced in 1942 LVT(A)-1 was an amphibious tank based on the specifications for the LVT-2 but with the turret and 37mm M6 gun (or occasionally a flame-thrower in lieu) of the M3A1 Tank situated behind the driver's cab.
中国人民革命军事博物馆 - jb.mil.cn
根据战场使用情况,为增加防护和进攻能力,在LVT-1的基础上加装了装甲和M2轻型坦克的炮塔,称为“LVT (A)-1式水陆坦克”,A即“装甲”的英文缩写。 之后,美军又在LVT-2和LVT-4上分别加装了装甲和炮塔,发展出LVT (A)-2和LVT (A)-4,其中LVT (A)-4安装了M8坦克歼击车的炮塔,配备一门75毫米短管火炮。 LVT (A)-1和LVT (A)-4分别参加了1944年2月的马绍尔群岛战役和1944年6月的塞班岛战役。 在首次参加的两场战役中LVT (A)系列水陆坦克都发挥了重要作用。 二战后, …
LTV 1 - johnsmilitaryhistory.com
Derived from a hurricane rescue vehicle of the mid '30s, the amphibious LVT 1 was built by FMC, or Food Machinery Company, and used extensively in the Pacific by the Marines - especially for assaulting beaches. The original LVT 1 carried 24 Marines, however the LVT (A) 1 version also mounted an M-3 Stuart turret with a 37mm gun or a flamethrower.
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