LVTE1 - AmTrac
LVTE1 was the engineer version of the LVTP5. A large, toothed, V-shaped excavator blade was mounted on the front of the vehicle, and it could clear a path through a minefield that was 16" (41cm) deep and 12 feet (3.7m) wide.
LVTE1 - AFV Database
2024年3月12日 · LVTE1 was the engineer version of the LVTP5. A large, toothed, V-shaped excavator blade was mounted on the front of the vehicle, and it could clear a path through a minefield that was 16" (41cm) deep and 12 feet (3.7m) wide.
Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
The LVT-1 had a maximum speed of 12 mph (19 km/h) on land or 6.9 mph (11.1 km/h) in water; and a range of 210 miles (340 km) on land or 60 miles (100 km) in water. No armor or weapons were included in its design as its role was cargo transport from ship to shore.
Vehicle I-D: LVTP-5, LVTR-1, LVTE-1, LVTH-6 | Blind Bat News
2021年4月20日 · Landing Vehicle Tank Personnel 5 (LVTP-5) was the fifth in a series of ‘amtracks’ (amphibious tracked vehicles) first developed during World War Two. The LVTP-5 began its life in 1956. It used a V12 gasoline motor and could run at an amazing 30 miles per hour on dry land, faster than any NATO main battle tanks at that time.
LVTP-5裝甲車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
LVTE- 1(登陸車輛,履帶,工兵) -掃雷車。 車組標準成員8名,裝備了掃雷犁和火箭爆導索等掃雷裝置,掃雷犁全重4.5公噸、寬12.7 英尺 (3.872公尺)、犁地深度16英吋(40.6公分),由於有一定重量,需設置額外浮筒增加浮力。 掃雷犁以液壓操縱升降,行軍時將掃雷犁抬起20度。
LVTP-5裝甲車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LVTE- 1(登陸車輛,履帶,工兵) -掃雷車。 車組標準成員8名,裝備了掃雷犁和火箭爆導索等掃雷裝置,掃雷犁全重4.5公噸、寬12.7 英尺 (3.872公尺)、犁地深度16英吋(40.6公分),由於有一定重量,需設置額外浮筒增加浮力。 掃雷犁以液壓操縱升降,行軍時將掃雷犁抬起20度。
LVTE1 - 50megs
Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Engineer, Mark 1 at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. The massive and imposing mine excavator blade assembly dominates the front of the vehicle. The teeth of the blade are aluminum and can be easily removed by disconnecting a retaining pin.
LVTP-5 - Wikipedia
The LVTP-5 was an evolution of the LVT-1 to LVT-4 World War II-era landing vehicle tracked series, but was considerably larger and could carry 30-34 combat-armed troops. A smaller design based on the M59 APC was also produced as the LVT-6, but only a few were built.
LVTE1, AFV Club AF35318 (2019) - Scalemates
AFV Club model kit in scale 1:35, AF35318 is a rebox released in 2019 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | LVT-5
LVT1“鳄鱼”使坦克等装甲车辆能强渡江河和近海登陆作战,是一个由来已久的想法。 第一次世界大战 期间, 英国军队 就以Ⅸ型坦克为对象,进行了一次水上浮渡试验,取得了成功。 20世纪二三十年代,许多国家都对发展水陆两用战车产生了浓厚兴趣。 其中,最为成功、生产量最大的,当属 美国 研制的 LVT履带式登陆车。 美国 履带式登陆车的发展,始于1935年。 这一年, 美国 工程师唐纳德·罗布林设计了一种履带式水陆两用车辆,用于在 佛罗里达州 的沼泽地进行水上救援工 …