Assault Amphibious Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Assault Amphibious Vehicle [2] [3] (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1 (formerly known as Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 abbr. LVTP-7)—is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems (previously by United Defense, a former division of FMC Corporation).
LVTP-7 Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 (1972)
The forward hull centreline hull section contains the engine, a Detroit Diesel 8V-53T (P-7), later replaced on the 1985 AAV7 by the Cummins VTA-525 /903 cubic inches (P-7A1). The first developed and output of 400 hp (300 kW), while the second on the upgraded AAV-7RAM-RS developed up to 525 hp, giving a power/weight ratio of 18 hp/ton.
AAV-7兩棲突擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AAV-7A1(即LVTP-7)在伊拉克戰爭中運用廣泛,主要用於第一次波斯灣戰爭(Persian Gulf War)和恢復希望行動(Operation Restore Hope)。 然而相較於 M2布萊德雷戰鬥車 ,AAV-7A1貧弱的防護力總是成為乘組員和搭載的士兵抱怨的原因。
美国 AAVP-7A1 两栖突击车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AAVP-7A1(以前称为履带式人员登陆车-7,缩写为 LVTP-7),是由美国作战系统公司(之前由联合防务公司, FMC 公司的前身)制造的全履带式两栖登陆车。 AAV-P7/A1 是 美国海军陆战队 目前的两栖部队运输车。 美国海军陆战队 两栖突击营 使用它在两栖作战期间将登陆部队的地面突击部队及其装备从突击舰上一次性运送到内陆目标,并在随后的岸上机械化作战中进行机械化作战和相关战斗支援。 其他部队也使用它。 海军陆战队称它们为“amtracs”,这是其原始名称“两栖拖 …
AAV-7 (LVTP-7) Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle - Military Factory
2018年12月28日 · A new Cadillac Gage weapons station was introduced which increased the base firepower of the LVTP-7 family - incorporating the original 1 x 12.7mm M2HB Browning heavy machine gun with a 40mm Mk 19 automatic grenade launcher. The new vehicle was designated as the "LVTP-7A1" to help differentiate it from the preceding operational mark.
AAV-7两栖登陆战车 - 哔哩哔哩
两栖突击载具 (Amphibious Assault Vehicle,AAV)的正式名称为 AAV-7A1 (原名LVTP-7),是一种全履带式两栖登陆战车,由FMC公司所制造。本车现为美国海军陆战队的主要两栖兵力运输工具,水平线外“舰—岸”登陆运动中,AAV-7A1 扮演由两栖登陆舰艇上运输登陆部队 ...
Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Model 7A1 (AAVP7A1)
In 1985 the Marine Corps changed the designation of the LVTP7Al to AAV7Al -- amphibious assault vehicle -- representing a shift in emphasis away from the long-time LVT designation, meaning "landing vehicle, tracked." Without a change of a bolt or plate, the AAV7Al was to be more of an armored personnel carrier and less of a landing vehicle.
AAV-7 (LVTP-7) - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
Another variant is the "AAVR-7A1", a special Armored Rescue Vehicle (ARV) that also lacks turret armament. The rescue vehicle includes a heavy-duty crane (foldable to the right side of the top of the fuselage), and other features to facilitate rescue.
原 】 LVTP-7 (AAV-7A1)两栖突击车 - 360doc
2024年7月30日 · 1964年3月,美国海军陆战队提出研制新型LVTP两栖装甲车的要求,1967年9月完成第一批样车。 1971年8月首批车辆交付美国海军陆战队,随后LVTP-5A1及其变型车退役。 1997年,BAE公司地面系统部门获得AAV-7翻修合同,被称为RAM/RS计划。 2013年7月,美国海军陆战队规划对其所有的AAV-7再度翻修,让整个AAV-7车型可以服役到2030年。 由于在20世纪90年代以后AAV-7强化了武装与外挂装甲,使得车辆的基本性能下滑,因此,RAM/RS计划最 …
Assault Amphibious Vehicle AAVP-7A1
The Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1, is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle produced by U.S. Combat Systems. The AAV-P7/A1 is the current amphibious troop transport of the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Amphibious Assault Battalions.
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