lxi-tools/lxi-tools: Open source LXI tools - GitHub
lxi-tools are open source software tools for managing network attached LXI compatible test instruments such as modern oscilloscopes, power supplies, spectrum analyzers etc.
新手必读:一文掌握SOP(标准化)流程图的绘制方法,附图例分 …
在现代企业管理中,标准化操作程序(Standard Operating Procedure, SOP)已成为确保工作高效、准确执行的基石。 而SOP流程图,作为SOP的图形化表示,更是将复杂流程简化为直观易懂的视觉语言,极大地提升了操作的透明度和执行效率。
lxi-tools/liblxi: Open source LXI library - GitHub
liblxi is an open source software library which offers a simple API for communicating with LXI compatible instruments. The API allows applications to discover instruments on your network, send SCPI commands, and receive responses. Currently the library supports VXI-11/TCP and RAW/TCP connections.
Guides for Using LXI - LXI Standard
These guides were written to aid the test system designer in building an LXI test system quickly and easily. They share best practices in key areas of interest connecting LXI Devices to LAN. For each guide, there is also a presentation summarizing the key …
SOP 封装 和 SOIC 封装的区别——细微差别,可以混用_sop8 …
2020年6月24日 · SO、SOP、SOIC封装详解(关于宽体、中体、窄体) 第一篇 一、简介 SOP( Small Outline Package )小外形封装,指鸥翼形 (L 形 )引线从封装的两个侧面引出的一 种表面贴装型封装。 1968 ~ 1969 年飞利浦公司就开发出小外形封装( SOP)。
Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) - Heinemann
LLI provides instruction and opportunities for application in foundational literacy skills, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, oral language skills, and writing. It helps teachers match students with texts of progressing difficulty and deliver systematic lessons targeted to a …
Leveled Literacy Intervention Resources - Fountas and Pinnell
Leveled Literacy Intervention is a short-term, supplementary intervention system proven to improve literacy achievement of struggling readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced systematically designed lessons. Explore our intervention offerings below and our intervention resources in the Resource Library .
What is Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) and how is LLI used
When implementing LLI, the first goal is to identify the students that need intensive support to reach grade-level competencies and find the instructional reading level for each of them. For entry into it will be necessary to assess the students’ instructional and independent reading levels.
LXI Public Auxiliary Site | LXI Standard Auxiliary Pages
LXI Public Auxiliary Site. The LXI consortium operates this subdomain (public.LxiStandard.org) as a posting place for: Final specifications; LXI REST API schemas and examples
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