【利高國際控股有限公司】开关电源,电源适配器,车载充电器,电池 …
Lygo Electronic Product Ltd. specializes in designing and manufacturing power adaptors for various kinds of consumer electronics.
线粒体编码的 NADH 脱氢酶 6(MT-ND6)基因 | MCE
启用 NADH 脱氢酶 (泛醌) 活性。 参与线粒体电子传递、NADH 到泛醌和线粒体呼吸链复合体 I 的组装。 预测位于线粒体内膜。 与 Leber 遗传性视神经病变有关;利氏病;下肢为主的脊髓性肌萎缩症 2B。 [由基因组资源联盟提供,2022 年 4 月] Enables NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity. Involved in mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone and mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly.
传统型变压器,广泛应用于小家电、充电器、数码通信产品。 应用于镍镉/镍氢( Ni-DC/Ni-MH)、锂电(Li-Po)、铅酸电池 (Pb-Acid)可充电池充电。 主要应用: 常规用于汽车电瓶 (轿车12V, 卡车24V)供电的车载充电器, 大量使用在各种便携式、手持式设备的锂电池充电领域, 诸如: 数码产品,通信产品, PDA, GPS 等; 应用于灯饰,照明灯具。 本系列变压器为开关电源、数码产品、音晌功效、通讯设备、 灯具等家用电器,以及各种电子仪器作电源供给之用,是各种电 …
Cell子刊:蒋辉团队揭示线粒体疾病的代谢补偿机制及治疗靶点|线 …
2021年7月19日 · 该研究揭示了一条进化上保守的NAD+再生通路Glycerol-3-phosphate (Gro3P) biosynthesis, 并为呼吸链复合物I缺失导致的神经退行性疾病提供了治疗靶点。 Gro3P biosynthesis是进化上保守的NAD+再生通路. 作者对人基因组中NAD + 依赖的代谢酶及其反应做了系统分析挑选出8条潜在的NAD+再生通路。 由于以酵母和线虫为代表的低等生物可以承受相当严重的呼吸链损毁 (酵母甚至可以在无氧(无呼吸)环境中生长) ,提示它们能够有效再 …
The power adapter - lygo.com.hk
Lygo Electronic Product Ltd. specializes in designing and manufacturing power adaptors for various kinds of consumer electronics.
mt-Nd6 - NADH dehydrogenase 6, mitochondrial 基因 | MCE
Enables NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity. Involved in mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone and mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly. Located in mitochondrion. Is expressed in brain; early conceptus; and secondary oocyte. Used to study Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and lactic acidosis.
LYGO INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LIMITED,switching power supply - lygo…
It is applied to charge Ni-Cd/Ni-MH, Li-Po and Pb-Acid rechargeable batteries. Main applications: PFC inductor; Resonant inductance; DC filter inductor;
Switching Power Supply - lygo.com.hk
Small size, streamlined, fully sealed, easy to carry. 2. Built-in over-voltage, over-current and short-circuit protection. 3. Wide range input: 100-240V, 50/60Hz. 4. Rated output voltage, current: DC2.4V-24V; 50-1000mA; 5W max. 5. Interface Output: With Wire or USB Interface (DC Header can be customized according to customer needs) 4.
Battery charger - lygoelec.com
Ultra-low no-load and standby energy loss, in line with national energy-saving standards. 3. Good anti-interference performance, built-in anti-electromagnetic interference filter. 4. The input voltage range is wide, 100-240V, which meets the global standard. 5.
Lygo Electronic Product Ltd. specializes in designing and manufacturing power adaptors for various kinds of consumer electronics.