Lincity - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《Lincity》是一個免费 開源 城市建设游戏。 玩家在此遊戲中的主要任務為建设城市,玩法與另一個城市建设游戏《模拟城市》類似。 玩家在此遊戲中需要達成兩個任務的其中一個,分別是 可持续发展 和將所有人容纳到 宇宙飞船 中。 《Lincity》是一個城市和國家模擬遊戲,其概念與《模擬城市》相類似。 [1] 在此遊戲中,玩家需要發展一個城市,並且需要在城市內建造或提供合適的建築物、服務和基礎設施。 [2] 《Lincity》中的模擬環境包括人口、就業情況、基礎水資源管理 …
Lincity - A City Simulation Game
2005年1月30日 · Lincity is a city simulation game. You are required to build and maintain a city. You must feed, house, provide jobs and goods for your residents.
Lincity - Wikipedia
Lincity is a free and open-source construction and management simulation game, which puts the player in control of managing a city's socio-economy, similar in concept to SimCity. [1] . The player can develop a city by buying appropriate buildings, services and infrastructure.
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lincity - a city simulation game download | SourceForge.net
2011年11月8日 · Lincity is a city simulation game. Build your city up from a primitive village to an advanced civilization. Build a sustainable economy, or build rockets to escape from a pollution ridden and resource starved planet. Secure your workforce with powerful multi-factor authentication (MFA) and advanced endpoint visibility.
LinCity Game - Download and Play Free Version! - Download Free …
Are you a fan of Sim City? Then you'll probably get a kick out of LinCity, a freeware tribute which keeps much of the classic Sim City gameplay intact and even improves upon it with some cool 3D graphics! The goal is to build an entire city from the ground up and keep it all going.
LinCity-NG download | SourceForge.net
2013年6月23日 · LinCity-NG is a city simulation game. In the game, you are required to build and maintain a city. You can win the game either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships. Bridges! It’s no secret — passwords can be a real headache, both for the people who use them and the people who manage them.
LinCity-NG (free) download Windows version
2024年10月18日 · LinCity-NG is a compelling city simulation game designed for those who enjoy strategy and urban planning. This refined version of the classic LinCity game brings a polished gaming experience where players must build and sustain a city.
LinCity-NG 项目安装与使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月10日 · 主要的启动文件是 src/lincity-ng.cpp,这是游戏的主入口文件。 src/lincity-ng.cpp: 这是游戏的主启动文件,包含了游戏的主循环和初始化代码。 3. 项目的配置文件介绍. LinCity-NG 项目的配置文件通常位于 data/ 目录下。 主要的配置文件包括: data/config.xml: 这是游戏的主要配置文件,包含了游戏的各种设置,如图形、音效、游戏难度等。 data/settings.ini: 这是游戏的用户设置文件,包含了用户自定义的设置。 通过修改这些配置文件,用户可以自定 …
Download LinCity-NG - My Abandonware
LinCity-NG is a video game published in 2009 on Windows. It's a simulation game, set in a managerial and city building / construction simulation themes, and was also released on Mac and Linux.