How do I synchronize access to shared memory in LynxOS/POSIX?
2010年5月7日 · I am implementing two processes on a LynxOS SE (POSIX conformant) system that will communicate via shared memory. One process will act as a "producer" and the other a "consumer". In a multi-threaded
Newest 'lynxos' Questions - Stack Overflow
It seems that LynxOS's implementation of strtod doesn't handle all the same cases as that of Linux, or for ...
Format disk and create partition in C on LynxOS
2009年4月30日 · Can you explain to me how I can do a mini program that does a system call in C in order to format the disk and create a new partition?
c - Thread safety on libc calls on LynxOS 2.4 - Stack Overflow
2013年6月11日 · I'm right now doing a project on LynxOS 2.4, and I have several calls made by multiple threads to some C standard libraries. Among the functions that I need to control are, mainly, file operations such as 'open', 'read' and 'write'.
Does LynxOS supports QT and QML? If Yes then which version
2018年11月20日 · The best way to find out is to try to compile Qt for that OS. As long as it is POSIX-conform (which according to wikipedia it is), it should work.
Lua behaves weird on PowerPC/LynxOS platform, why?
2013年4月1日 · But with LynxOS/PowerPC I got "vfoo = 0.000000". So what's going on for Lua on LynxOS/PowerPC ? I am wondering if there are some configurations for big-endian machine, I looked for it in "luaconf.h" but find nothing. I also tried the configuration item "LUA_USE_POSIX" but no help. I know it's not a typical platform for lua programming.
Using Visual Studio 2005 for buliding LynxOS applications
2011年4月27日 · I am trying to build application for LynxOS (Hard Real time OS). The best method so far is to use an add on called VisualLynx which attach itself to VS 6.0 and replaces its make system with its on cross compiler linker etc. VS 6.0 is a real pain to use, so I wanted to use VS 2005 but it seems there is no add on for VS 2005.
unix - Condition Variable in Shared Memory - Stack Overflow
2010年5月16日 · We've been trying to use a mutex and condition variable to synchronise access to named shared memory by two processes on a LynuxWorks LynxOS-SE system (POSIX-conformant). One shared memory block is called "/sync" and contains the mutex and condition variable, the other is "/data" and contains the actual data we are syncing access to.
qt creator - Developing Qt apps for LynxOS 7.0 - Stack Overflow
2017年7月19日 · I am new to LynxOS can any one give some ideas/suggestions for below questions: Which Qt version can be used to develop applications for LynxOs 7.0. Proper documentation to build and setup Qt (Qt creator, Qt kits : Compiler etc) for LynxOS 7.0.
Recently Active 'lynxos' Questions - Stack Overflow
2021年9月9日 · It seems that LynxOS's implementation of strtod doesn't handle all the same cases as that of Linux, or for ...