Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master - Wikipedia
The Aermacchi M-346 Master is a family of military twin-engine transonic advanced jet trainers and light combat aircraft. Originally co-developed with Yakovlev as the Yak/AEM-130, the partnership was dissolved in 2000 and then Alenia Aermacchi proceeded to separately develop the M-346 Master, while Yakovlev continued work on the Yakovlev Yak-130.
M-346FA - Light Combat Aircraft | Leonardo - Aircraft
The M-346FA (Fighter Attack) is a ‘light combat’ version of the M-346 advanced trainer with multi-role capabilities including close air support missions, even in urban areas, battlespace air interdiction for national defence and tactical reconnaissance.
M-346FA Fighter Attack Aircraft - Airforce Technology
Italian aerospace and defence company Leonardo introduced M-346FA (Fighter Attack) aircraft, a new variant of the Aermacchi M-346 twin-engine advanced trainer aircraft, in June. The new variant is designed to provide enhanced mission performance to the air forces on the battlefield.
M-346教練機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M 346大師(M 346 Master),是 義大利 馬基航空 (Aeronautica Macchi) 研發 的 高級教練機, 義大利空軍 將其型號稱為 T-346A[1][2] 、參與 美國空軍 T-X計畫 的型號為 T-100[3]。 1993年,當時 俄國空軍 經費不足,允許外資加入 教練機 計畫。 俄羅斯 雅克列夫設計局 (設計)、雄鷹飛機製造廠(製造)、斯洛伐克PS(發動機,後改PLSM)與 義大利 馬基航空 (投資夥伴)合作推出 Yak/AEM-130教練機, Yak-130 編號RA-43130 原型機 於1994年11月30日出廠,1996年4 …
莱昂纳多M-346FA是M-346的最新版本,也是一款具有教练机和轻型战斗机能力的飞机。 迄今为止,M-346已被意大利、以色列、波兰、阿塞拜疆、土库曼斯坦和新加坡、希腊选中。 M-346FA于2017年6月在2017年巴黎航展期间首次亮相。 M-346是与俄罗斯雅克设计局联合开发的计划的产物,可以说是跟雅克130一个妈生的,但在2000年,意大利阿莱尼亚·马基航空公司决定退出联合计划,并以同样的方式开发M-346。 M-346的首飞于2004年7月进行。 FA则在2017年6月亮相。 M …
The Aermacchi M-346FA is the latest Leonardo’s Aircraft Division product based on its long-term experience in the development of combat aircraft, dating back to the early 20th century. Aeronautica Macchi produced effective combat aircraft, among which the Macchi C.202 and C.205 used during World War II.
The M-346FA is a radar equipped multirole light fighter and represents a highly cost-effective, tactical solution for the modern battlefield. At the same time it keeps all the attributes of the M-346AJT, including the Embedded Tactical Training Simulation (ETTS) suite. This enables the M-346FA to still be used as an Advanced Jet Trainer, Lead-In
The Aermacchi M-346FA: multirole master - Leonardo
2018年7月8日 · The FA (Fighter Attack) is a new version of the advanced Aermacchi M-346 twin-engine trainer, designed and manufactured by Leonardo's Aircraft Division. It is an evolution of the dual role FT (Fighter Trainer) version, designed to meet Air Forces' growing and diversified operational requirements.
战机科普:M-346教练机 - 哔哩哔哩
M 346大师(M 346 Master),是意大利马基航空(Aeronautica Macchi)研发的高级教练机,意大利空军将其型号称为T-346A、参与美国空军T-X计划的型号为T-100。 类型 高级教练机/轻型攻击机. 制造商 阿莱尼亚·马基航空→列奥那多. 首飞 2004年7月15日. 状态 现役. 主要用户 意大利空军,以色列空军,新加坡空军. 发展自 雅克-130. 历史. 1993年,当时俄国空军经费不足,允许外资加入教练机计划。
M-346FA係以戰鬥教練機版的M-346FT(Fighter Trainer)為基礎的衍生版(基本上是直接拿M-346FT來用),並會在翼端增加飛彈滑軌,並讓全機掛載點從5個提升到7個,同時李奧納多也正在規劃將FIAR開發的Grifo-M雷達安裝進機鼻雷達罩內。
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