Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master - Wikipedia
The Aermacchi M-346 Master is a family of military twin-engine transonic advanced jet trainers and light combat aircraft. Originally co-developed with Yakovlev as the Yak/AEM-130, the partnership was dissolved in 2000 and then Alenia Aermacchi proceeded to separately develop the M-346 Master, while Yakovlev continued work on the Yakovlev Yak ...
Watch A Leonardo M-346 Drop Practice Bombs From SUU-20 …
From Sept. 6 – 8, 2023, a Leonardo M-346 “Master” with Italian experimental registration CSX55166 and Singaporean livery was involved in a firing campaign over the Central Training and Live Fire...
M-346FA Fighter Attack Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2017年7月10日 · Italian aerospace and defence company Leonardo introduced M-346FA (Fighter Attack) aircraft, a new variant of the Aermacchi M-346 twin-engine advanced trainer aircraft, in June. The new variant is designed to provide enhanced mission performance to …
Italian, Aermacchi M-346 Master - BDU 33 bomb drop test
The M-346 is a jet aircraft optimised for advanced military pilot training, offering a broad range of training capabilities combined with long-term reliability. At the heart of a complex and...
The M-346 Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) is the cost-effective, next generation advanced and lead-in fighter trainer in service with major Air Forces, worldwide. The M-346 is the central element of an Integrated Training System designed to allow student pilots to …
M-346高级教练机 - 百度百科
M-346是由意大利阿莱尼亚·马基公司研制的新一代高级教练机,它具有超越世界上其他同级别高级教练机的优越性能:M-346的全机推重比高,空战推重比接近1;人机界面十分友好,其座舱人机接口技术向 第五代战斗机 看齐;气动外形设计优秀,最大可控迎角可达40度,完全可以模拟最新型的第五代战斗机的 跨音速飞行 特性和大迎角飞行特性。 因此,阿莱尼亚‘马基公司官员称M-346是第一种真正意义上的第五代高级教练机,这意味着M-346可以为F-35等最先进的 …
M-346 advanced combat trainer first weapon delivery tests
2012年4月24日 · Taken at Decimomannu airbase last week, by Gian Luca Onnis, the following picture is the only available to date, of an M-346 advanced combat trainer flying with a BRD (Bombs and Rocket...
We have flown one of the world's most advanced jet trainers: the M-346 …
2015年4月27日 · The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 “Master” is a dual-engine LIFT (Lead-In to Fighter Trainer) jet selected by Italy, Poland, Israel and Singapore for advanced pre-operative training, the latest stage of...
The new M-346FA version is the answer: it is the evolution of the M-346 Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) to meet, with a high performance platform, an increased wide range of customer operational needs. The M-346FA is a radar equipped multirole light fighter and represents a highly cost-effective, tactical solution for the modern battlefield.
M-346 FA: small fearsome national masterpiece - Online Defense
2019年1月31日 · What are the intrinsic peculiarities of the M-346 that make it suitable to become an excellent multirole aircraft, efficient and effective, compared to other competitors? Aeromechanical performance suitable for those of a 4 ° / 5 ° generation fighter, thanks to an excellent thrust / weight ratio.