8-inch gun M1 - Wikipedia
The 8-inch gun M1 was a 203 mm towed heavy gun developed in the United States. At 32,584 m (35,635 yd), it had the longest range of any US Army field artillery weapon in World War II. It was also used in small numbers by the British Army.
8-inch Gun M1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 8 inch Gun M-1 was a 203 mm towed heavy gun developed in the United States. It was used by the US Army and the British Army in World War II.
M115榴彈炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M115 203mm榴彈砲,又稱M115 8吋榴,是一種美國陸軍設計的榴彈砲。原始代號8吋榴彈砲 M1,目的是建造一種與納粹德國 17 cm K 18加農炮性能平級的榴彈砲。
M115 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M115 203 mm howitzer, also known as the M115 8-inch howitzer, and originally the M1 8-inch howitzer was a towed heavy howitzer developed by the United States Army and used during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Post-WWII it was also adopted by a number of other nations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
M115榴弹炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M115 203mm榴弹炮,又称M115 8吋榴,是一种美国陆军设计的榴弹炮。 原始代号 8吋榴弹炮 M1 ,目的是建造一种与 纳粹德国 17 cm K 18加农炮 性能平级的榴弹炮。
“白头鹰之锤”,美国M1式203毫米榴弹炮 - 百家号
2023年6月29日 · m1式203毫米榴弹炮主要性能:放列全重13471公斤,行列全重14515公斤,炮管长5324毫米(倍径26倍),口径203毫米,垂直射界-2°~+65°,水平射界左右各60°,炮弹重90.6公斤,初速645米/秒,最大射程16500米,射速1发/分钟。
长脚汤姆——美国M40/M43自行火炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M1实际上是两款火炮的编号,它们共同使用编号为M1的炮架:M1 155mm榴弹炮和M1 203mm榴弹炮。 这有些类似于苏联的BR-2/B-4的关系,不同的是152mm的BR-2产量很小,而155mm M1火炮的产量则有1882门。
M115 (8-Inch Howitzer M1) 203mm Towed Howitzer - Military Factory
2018年9月24日 · Its massive 203mm shells were ideal in clearing out concentrations of enemy troops, defeating fortified positions, and even engaging light armor vehicles who happened to be in the path of the falling explosive.
M1 8 in (203 mm) howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
The weapon uses NATO standard 203mm ammunition, and was used during World War II, in Korea, and in Viet Nam. In NATO service their prime mission was to fire nuclear rounds which have since been...
M110型203毫米自行榴弹炮 - 百度百科
一战及战后期间,英国军队装备了维克斯公司研制的8英寸 (203毫米)榴弹炮,型号为Model 1917、Model 1918和M1920E。 第二次世界大战 期间,正式命名为M1榴弹炮。 本来打算在“自行火炮史话”栏目中介绍 美国 的M110型203毫米自行榴弹炮和M107型175毫米自行加农炮。 但是,由于这两种超大口径的自行炮的特殊性,为了使读者能对它们有透彻的了解,故改在“典型战车”栏目中详细介绍,特此说明。 从203毫米火炮说起. 口径为203毫米的榴弹炮,可以说是源远流长。 在 …