37 mm gun M1 - Wikipedia
The 37 mm gun M1 was an anti-aircraft autocannon developed in the United States. It was used by the US Army in World War II. The gun was produced in a towed variant, or mounted along …
37 mm gun M3 - Wikipedia
The 37 mm gun M3 is the first dedicated anti-tank gun fielded by United States forces in numbers. Introduced in 1940, it became the standard anti-tank gun of the U.S. infantry with its size …
M1 AA Gun (37mm) | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The M1 AA Gun was an anti-aircraft gun that was used by the United States during World War II. The M1 could fire 37 mm rounds at a rate of 90 rounds per minute and at a range of up to …
美军M1A2型37毫米高射炮简介 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月22日 · 37毫米高炮在同一时代虽然优秀,但其火炮弹药却威力不足,也不足以对付低空高速战机。 就此,美国不断改进直到M1A2出现。 虽然英国方面不断推荐美国使用40毫米博 …
37mm Gun M1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 37mm Gun M1 was an anti-aircraft autocannon developed in the United States. It was used by the US Army in World War II. In addition to the towed variant, the gun was mounted, with …
二战军事网 - 美国 - 美军小口径反坦克炮
M3A1式37毫米炮和M1式57毫米炮是美军在二战时装备的两种小口径反坦克炮。 其中37毫米反坦克炮是美国在二战初期参考德国Pak35/36型37毫米反坦克炮所设计,开始定型为M3式,不久 …
37-mm airborne anti-tank vehicle model 1944 (ChK-M1)
2025年1月24日 · The 37-mm anti-tank airborne gun of the 1944 model had a unique design of an almost recoilless gun. The recoillessness of the gun was achieved in two ways: thanks to the …
勃朗宁:晓不晓得劳资还造大炮?在列装博福斯之前,美国陆军防 …
2024年3月15日 · 在装备博福斯40mm高炮之前,美国陆军标准的小口径防空炮是M1 37mm高炮(万物皆可M1),这炮长这样: M1 37mm高炮,照片摄自太平洋战争爆发前夕的菲律宾。 …
二战各国的37毫米反坦克炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
口径:37mm,炮身长:1665mm(L42) 战斗全重:327 kg,行军全重:450kg. 半自动立锲式炮闩,理论射速:13发/分. 高低射界:-5度~25度 方向射界:-30度~30度. 初速:(pzgr穿甲 …
为什么在二战中经常会出现37mm的火炮?37这个 ... - 知乎
2019年12月4日 · 目前,37mm(取整数35mm)主要用于自行高炮,为各国的装甲纵队撑起防空保护伞,也可以为士兵提供强有力的火力支援。 在可以预见的未来,基于这一口径开发的武 …