M1 Carbine Pouch Manufacturers - CMP Forums
2017年4月30日 · GI's found that the large loop on these pockets allowed it to fit onto the stock of the carbine. These first type pockets were only manufactured in 1942, 1943 and 1944. By 1945 the pocket design was changed and the large belt loop was replaced by two narrow belt loops which prevented the pockets from fitting onto the stock of the carbine.
WTS: M1 Carbine Magazine Pockets "stock pouch" NOS from crate
2021年9月1日 · Offering 100% Original USGI WWII M1 Carbine Magazine Pockets commonly called "stock pouch" as these early pockets will fit onto the stock. These have been removed from the original 500 count wooden crate and are in minty NOS condition maybe showing a little sign of sitting in storage in the crate for 70 years? These are late war OD green color.
"Stock Pouch" question - CMP Forums
2012年4月1日 · I have a question regarding the M1 Carbine magazine pouch commonly referred to as a "stock pouch" (with the snap inside). I know the pouch will hold two 15 round magazines, but there is no way I can fit it onto my stock with two 15 round magazines included. I can get the pouch on the stock with two 10 round magazines.
Carbine Pouch that won't scratch - CMP Forums
2019年11月12日 · Apparently some of them were not stamped US. I've got a couple in my collection. Your pouch looks legit. The one with the two loops is a Type 2 that also carries Garand clips and fit on web belts. These don't fit on a M1 Carbine stock though they are spotted occasionally on M1A1's wire stocks.
My Carbine Pouch and Muzzle Cover Collection - CMP Forums
2023年3月14日 · My Carbine Pouch and Muzzle Cover Collection 03-14-2023, 10:13 AM I have been slowly building this collection up over time as I find it very interesting seeing how these firms shifted from producing the products they made before the war, to making things like pouches, clothing etc. Hopefully others find this interesting.
M1 Garand Stock Pouch Question - CMP Forums
The pouch referred to as a stock pouch, (M1 Carbine puouch) was really intended to be worn on the m1936 ( and earlier) pistol belt. The snap on the M1 carbine pouch joins with the snap at the end of the pistol belt. That being said, GI's looking for ways to make their job easier, used their gear to suit their needs despite what the regs said.
M1 Stock pouch - CMP Forums
2022年3月20日 · Post Korean War, a two magazine M1 Garand & M1 Carbine pouch was issued. Two Enbloc or two 15 rd Carbine mags. Pouch has two belt loops on it and the ones I have are marked Tweedie Mfg Co. For some obtuse reason these have never caught Garand or Carbine collector attention and can be had dirt cheap.
M1 Carbine Pouch - CMP Forums
2016年3月7日 · A quick and dirty way for "stock" pouches like above is check the back belt snap. If it is a WW2 GI pouch, it will have a snap manufacturers name in tiny letters around the rim of the snap. This is not a 100% effective way, as a few makers did use unmarked rear snaps. But the vast majority will have the markings. You can also look at the front ...
Wts ; m1 carbine stock pouches - CMP Forums
2024年5月8日 · I have 12 new old stock carbine stock pouches, perfect condition with exc markings, there $28 each plus shipping.. as follows ; S. froehlich co inc nyc 1943 all spf 2) hepburn mfg co 1943 —all spf 2)Arnold mfg co 1944– all spf thx .. i found some more stock pouches , both are good used and are $25 each 1) G&R co 1943
BEWARE Citadel M1 Carbine 22 cal - CMP Forums
mac1911, Bought this one @ Cabelas in Dundee Mich last month . I have a 1943 M1 carbine made by Quality Hardware Mfg . with a 1943 dated Rock-Ola barrel . I purchased an original butt stock pouch , sling , and oiler for it . It has no bayonet lug which tells me it was probably not " re-done " after WWII .