Mathematical modeling of tumor-associated macrophage …
2018年1月30日 · It is established that M1-type macrophages suppress tumor progression while M2-types support it. Recently, Tie2-expressing macrophages (TEM) have been identified as a distinct sub-population influencing tumor angiogenesis and vascular remodeling as well as monocyte differentiation.
M1-polarized macrophage-derived cellular nanovesicle-coated …
2024年7月1日 · Recent studies highlight that NVs-derived from M1 macrophages, which are enriched in pro-inflammatory cytokines, can effectively modulate the TME, demonstrating their potential as potent immune therapeutics against cancer 48,49.
Macrophage Polarization States in the Tumor Microenvironment
2021年6月29日 · M1 macrophages are historically regarded as anti-tumor, while M2-polarized macrophages, commonly deemed tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), are contributors to many pro-tumorigenic outcomes in cancer through angiogenic and lymphangiogenic regulation, immune suppression, hypoxia induction, tumor cell proliferation, and metastasis.
Addressing interconnect challenges for enhanced computing
Logic interconnects have scaled their widths and pitches to meet the reduced transistor footprint. In the 7-nm technology node, transistor density is reported around ~95 million per square millimeter (MTr/mm 2), and M1 layer interconnect pitch is ~40 nm, roughly half of which is the metal lines’ widths .
Our study focused on the exosomes derived from M1-polarized, proin flammatory mac-rophages for the possibility of using M1 exosomes as an immu-nopotentiator for a cancer vaccine.
Nationwide study of Escherichia coli producing extended
ESBL-coding genes (CTX-M1, CTX-M2, TEM, SHV) were detected by PCR. According to the PCR and sequencing results, CTX-M1 was the most prevalent β-lactamase 83.18% (366/440), followed by TEM 44.09% (194/440), CTX-M2 31.81% (140/440) and SHV 1.81% (8/440). Sequencing results showed that TEM and SHV types were TEM-1b and SHV-11, respectively.
TEM images of the 9 nm (a) and 11.5 nm (b) particles
Download scientific diagram | TEM images of the 9 nm (a) and 11.5 nm (b) particles used to prepare the M1-x samples. The inset in (b) shows a silica coated 11.5 nm maghemite nanoparticle.
TEM images for manganese oxide samples: a) M1, b) M2, c
Figure 5 is the TEM images of all calcined samples. All the samples except M5 show the porous structure, and pores of M1 to M3 are randomly arranged but distributed homogeneously among the...
TEM characterisation of sample M1 (471 h - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | TEM characterisation of sample M1 (471 h @ 500°C). STEM-EDS analyse on FIB cross-sectional sampling: a) oxygen profile; b) oxygen map. from publication: Oxidation...
苹果(Apple)M1 参数与性能评测 - CpuTime
苹果(Apple)M1 是一款由苹果(Apple)生产的 8 核 8 线程的 CPU 处理器。Apple M1 发布于 2020-11-20,制程工艺为 5nm(纳米),CPU 代号为 Apple M1,指令集架构为 ARMv8,CPU 的核心显卡 iGPU(核显)为 Apple M1 GPU。