AIS Tester M1. Test AIS A/B, AIS-SART, AIS Base Stations and …
The AIS Tester M1 is a globally-known test tool staying on service for radio surveys for more than 10 years and has proven its reliability. It is designed to perform annual surveys and shore-based maintenance in accordance with IMO requirements concerning AIS testing (IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1 ...
AIS Tester M1 - AEP Sales LLC
The AIS Tester M1 is a globally-known test tool staying on service for radio surveys for more than 10 years and has proven its reliability. It is designed to perform annual surveys and shore-based maintenance in accordance with IMO requirements concerning AIS testing (IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1 ...
AIS Tester. GMDSS Test equipment - Aeromarine SRT
2016年1月3日 · AIS Tester is professional equipment for surveyors to provide mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs. AIS Tester is manufactured under standards and recommendations ITU R M-1371-3, M.1371-5 (02/2014) and IEC 61993-2 and able to operate on AIS Channel 1 (ch87B), AIS Channel 2 (ch88B).
GMDSS Test equipment. Test AIS, SART, EPIRB, VHF/MF/HF Radios
GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M is the first hand-held Multi Tester enabling the testing of all GMDSS equipment: AIS Stations, EPIRBs, VHF and MF/HF Radios with DSC, AIS-SART and NAVTEX. The cutting-edge software is compatible with all operation systems. Automatic generation of test reports for all the range of tested equipment.
Downloads - GMDSS Testers
2024年10月5日 · The latest software for GMDSS Tester. Download and manage test results for Radios, AIS and EPIRB. Automatic generation of test reports. 32bit and 64bit Windows OS compatible.
AIS Tester M1 - GMDSS Testers by Delta Testers
AIS Tester M1 is a professional equipment for surveyors providing mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile and base stations, AtoN and AIS-SARTs.
AIS tester - M1 - Aeromarine SRT - for boats / for ships
AIS Tester M1 is a professional equipment for surveyors providing mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile and base stations, AtoN and AIS-SARTs in accordance with the requirements of IMO and SOLAS. The device complies with the IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252”.
M1 Milliohm Meter - BCD Electronics
The M1 Milliohm Meter ® is a handheld ground support bonding and grounding meter. It is intended for measuring low electrical resistance where portability, safety, high precision and ease of use are demanded, such as in the aviation industry, and is used to ensure the regulated conformity of electrical bonding for structural and safety purposes.
M1 IoT Device Tester - Valid8.com
Valid8's M1 IoT Tester is a simple hardware-based callbox solution that mimics 4G RAN (plus 5G RAN option) along with a core network lite emulator to test IoT user equipment (UE) devices
- [PDF]
It’s designed according to the ITU R M-1371-3, and IEC 61993-2 standards as technical equipment for AIS blocks and stations mounting accuracy testing on a vessel. Checking of the testable equipment is to carry out using the cable with included attenuator or by means of antenna through broadcast.